Sweet Memory: The End

Jan 05, 2009 18:37

Title: Sweet Memory: The End

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff,

Summary: Ryo's plan to make Tatsuya his.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: dear, dear 
allboutp , thanks ne.

A/N: Okies, my dear readers, since lots of u have been asking me to make the sequel for Sweet Memory: The Sequel so i decided to do it. So here it is, the last installment of the story. Hope u guys enjoy it.

Since the revelation in the closet three days ago, now Ryo is more determine than ever to make Tatsuya his. After all, how could he let go such a good kisser like that. Not to mention he is so hot, have a beautiful smile and damn, the way he swings his hip is so sexy that making him horny. Also add to the fact that he is very much in love with the said person. Now, all he has to do is a good plan to ensure that Tatsuya will be completely fall for him.

First plan: Well, his first plan is quite simple you see. Every morning he will visit Tatsuya and gives him a single red rose to him since roses are Tatsuya favorite flower. And if he is in Osaka for his work with Kanjani8, he will make a pre-order to the florist near the Jimusho and make sure that they will send a single flower to Tatsuya every morning with a card containing sweet words and quotes that he creates himself. Hah, now people can’t say that he’s not romantic.

Then, his second plan is to make bento for Tatsuya. Every day, he will wakes up early in the morning just to make special bento for Tatsuya. Since he is a good cook, that doesn’t serve him any problem. Although it’s kind of hard for him to do it if he works late at night, because he really need all the sleep he can get to stay as the Sexy Osakan Man. But for Tatsuya, he decides that all of his effort is worth for it.

His third plan is he’s going to steal kisses from Tatsuya in any opportunity that he gets. He wants Tatsuya to be addicted to him, just like how he addicted to Tatsuya. And he also wants Tatsuya to realize that he also has a sweet side, that he can be as sweet as anyone else. Besides, kissing Tatsuya is all he can think about and he won’t be satisfied unless he can kiss those cute lips of Tatsuya every chance that he can get.(And let us just forget that once upon a time, those cute lips that Ryo talks about was the one that he used to insult.)

But then again, there is one itsy bitsy little problem with Ryo’s plan. The thing is, how is he supposes to do all the planning that he make if Tatsuya is avoiding him at all cost. Not to mention that Tatsuya is actually shield by Nakamaru and Kamenashi since they have promise that they will hide him from Ryo. So, now Ryo has to convince his two best friends into helping him with his perfect plan.


“Come on guys, you are my best friends. Please help me on this. I really, really want to meet him but every time I’m coming in there he was nowhere to be seen.” Ryo tries to coax Yamapi and Jin to help him. Usually he won’t do this but he is getting desperate because it’s been a month and none of his plan has work simply because he never catch Tatsuya to be in the same room as he is.

“I don’t know Ryo-chan. Tat-chan seems to be so set not to be in the same room as you are. Are you sure you didn’t do anything to him?” Jin asks Ryo. Ryo shook his head.

“No, I never did anything to him. Well, maybe I did say something, but I truly meant that. I really want him. And maybe we kinda did something, but he’s the one who started it.” Ryo says, sulking like a child.

“Okay, why don’t you tell us from the start, Ryo-chan? Maybe we can figure something up after that.” Yamapi suggests.

Then Ryo told them about his first crush, how turns out to be Tatsuya. Then he also told them how he claims that he wants Tatsuya and going to make Tatsuya his own. Of course he also told them how Tatsuya was succeed in avoiding him until he catches him and make him confess as to why he was avoiding Ryo. And what shock Yamapi and Jin were the facts that it was Tatsuya who kissed Ryo, not the other way around.

“And now it seems like he was avoiding me once again. How am I going to seduce him if he keeps on avoiding me?” Ryo whines to Jin and Yamapi.

“Now, now Ryo-chan, don’t be sad. I’m sure we can think of something. Maybe you could surprise him by going to his photo shoot or something. That way, he can’t run away from you.” Yamapi suggests.

“But Pi, how am I supposed to know when and where the photo shooting going to take place? And what if I also have other commitment on that same time?” Ryo asks.

“That’s where Jin will come in. Since he is in KAT TUN, he could give you information about that. And don’t worry about your other commitment; if it’s with NEWS, I guess I can cover for you once in a while.” Yamapi says, giving Ryo a solution.

“Well, I guess we can work on that.” Jin says, agreeing with Yamapi’s plan.

“Ok, I’ll do it.” And finally, Ryo too agree with Yamapi.


And as they planned, Jin gives his schedule to Ryo and Ryo will always tries to make some effort to try and go to one of these photo shoot whenever he is free or on a break. At first Tatsuya thinks that it is only a coincident but after the third time, he knows it is not just a coincident. In fact, he can bet that Jin might be giving Ryo their schedule just so Ryo could see him and try to seduce him.

“I had enough! I don’t know what you are trying to do but enough is enough. I don’t want to see you ever again.” Finally, one day, Tatsuya burst in anger. Looking slightly hurt at Tatsuya’s burst Ryo walks out of the photo shoot location.

“That’s not very nice; Tat-chan. Ryo-chan hasn’t done anything wrong.” Jin says to Tatsuya. Tatsuya just glares at Jin. “Don’t get me started on you, Akanishi. I know you were the one who is giving our schedule to him.” Jin cowers at the angry tone that is directed at him. Tat-chan is calling me Akanishi, definitely not good, he thinks.

Meanwhile, at other places, Ryo is sulking at his other best friend who tries to reason with him. “I tried, Pi but not only did he not fall for me, but he was mad at me. I don’t know what to do anymore.” Ryo says, a bit sad with the fact.

“I think this could turn out very well, you know.” Yamapi says to Ryo. Ryo just raised his eyebrow in question, clearly not amuse with Yamapi’s statement.

“Well, all you have to do is….”


“Ok Tat-chan, I think you should be ok now. After all it’s been a week and Nishikido doesn’t seem to come here anymore. Maybe he has given up on you.” Nakamaru says to Tatsuya who is practicing his dance move.

“You think so, Yuu?” He asks Nakamaru, almost pleading that what Nakamaru says is true.

“Yeah, I mean, he doesn’t show up anymore. And he doesn’t try to give roses to you anymore and yeah, I think he finally has quit bothering you.” Nakamaru says again.

“I hope so.” That is what Tatsuya replies before continuing with his practice. But why does my heart hurts thinking that Nishikido has given up on me. Wasn’t that what I wanted? For him to stay away from me, Tatsuya is monologue with himself that he hasn’t notices that Ryo is watching him from door frame.

And when he finally realizes that Ryo is watching him, it’s already too late for him to run away but instead, Ryo just look at him in the eyes and turn away. Which leave him dumfound at Ryo’s attitude.

I hope this plan of yours work, Pi. That is what Ryo thought as he is leaving the dancing room.


Now, after two weeks of being ignore by Ryo, Tatsuya decides that he had enough. Although at first, he doesn’t want to be seduced by Ryo, or being near Ryo because he afraid that he might jump on the sexy Osaka man, but being ignored by the one he loves is the worst thing that has ever happen to him.

He feels hurt, and lost because of Ryo’s attitude and manner. True, they finally act civil to each other now but what hurt the most is that when Ryo act as if nothing ever happen in the first place. Wasn’t he the one who said he wants me? Wasn’t he the one who said that going to make me his. Well, he certainly has given up too easily, Tatsuya thought bitterly.

So, Tatsuya finally decided to take things by his own hand. And one day, he corners Ryo and drags him into his car and drive to his house. All the way there, Ryo didn’t utter even a word to him, which left him very curious and very hurt at the lack of respond.

“So, why are you dragging me here? Do you want something?” Ryo asks arm cross, once they arrives at Tatsuya’s apartment.

“I..er..Argh.. I don’t know what I want, ok. I know I’m the one that have been avoiding you. I know that I’m the one that doesn’t want to be around you or you around me. But when it happened, I didn’t like it. Not one bit. Tell me, what am I suppose to do?” Tatsuya finally let out all his feeling.

Then, Ryo walks towards Tatsuya. Cupping Tatsuya’s face, he asks, “Tatsuya, when I hold you like this, what do feel for me?”

Tatsuya lock his eyes with Ryo before saying, “I feel content, I feel like this is where I belong, and I want you to kiss me, ravish me with your passion.”

“Then, if I ask you do you want me, what would your answer be?” Ryo asks again.

“Yes, I want you, very much.” Tatsuya answers.

“And if I ask you, do you love me?” Again, Ryo asks.

“I do, with all my heart.” That is the answer that Tatsuya gives.

“Then, there is just one thing that you should do.” Ryo finally draw a conclusion. Tatsuya just looks at him with a raise eyebrow.

“Take me into your life, accept me into your embrace and let me love you as you love me.” Ryo whispers to him. Tatsuya looks deeply inside Ryo’s eyes, searching for a lie which he found none because Ryo is sincere in his words.

“I accept.” Tatsuya says as he leans against Ryo. Ryo just smiles contently; finally gets what he had desire for so long. Thank you, Pi, Ryo thought with happiness.

The End.

#oneshot, fanfic : ryoda

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