Number Drabble

Jan 09, 2009 00:34

Title: Number drabble

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Various

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by:allboutp

Author’s Note: Well, I was bored and this is the result of my boredom. Yeah, there’s also implied!sex and mpreg.

1)      The FIRST time he saw Ryo’s cute face, he knew that Ryo was the one that he want. Tatsuya doesn’t know how long it might take for them to be together or how difficult the road there are going to be but he knew in his heart that Nishikido Ryo is the ONE.

2)      It was on their SECOND date that they shared a kiss. The first kiss is awkward but still sweet but the SECOND time was so heavenly that he thought that he have found his heaven on earth.

3)      On their THIRD month-sary, they finally decided to make love for the first time. And after the THIRD round, Tatsuya swear he won’t be able to walk for a week. Of course he can’t deny that the sex was great.

4)       The first big fight they have was FOUR month after their 2nd anniversary. It started with a silly thing but it got worse each minute they were arguing which end up with Ryo storming out of their shared apartment. He spends the night crying his heart out. But at FOUR in the morning, Ryo came back and hugged him tightly, murmuring words of apology in his ear.

5)      After FIVE years of being together, finally they reached to the point where their relationship cannot be mending anymore. After FIVE years, FIVE month and FIVE days they started dating, finally they broke up and chose a different path. Of course, Tatsuya never told Ryo that he’s FIVE weeks pregnant.

fanfic : ryoda, #drabble

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