Guess What? We're Married! : Chapter Eleven

Jan 03, 2009 05:15

Title: Guess What? We’re married!

Chapter: Chapter Eleven

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.

Summary: Because of one drunken night, Nishikido Ryo and Ueda Tatsuya find themselves in trouble. They got married. That’s not all, they hate each other.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: allboutp  , you rock girl.

It’s been two weeks since Ryo comes back from his work at Osaka. And things began to be just like before. Although our two main characters do miss each other like hell when they were not in each other presence, but now that Ryo is back in Tokyo, they acted like nothing had happen. This showed us how stubborn these two person with acknowledging their own feeling. And all that their friends could do is just watch and sigh at their stubborn attitude.

Tatsuya was walking from the café to his dressing room. While he was passed the NewS dressing room, he heard Yamapi’s voice.

“You look pale, Ryo-chan. Are you sure you’re ok?” Yamapi asked his best friend.

“I’m ok, Pi. Don’t worry bout me.” Ryo’s voice was heard. Well, he did look kind of pale this morning, Tatsuya thought when he heard Ryo’s reply to Yamapi.

“If you sure. But I still think that you should go and take a rest. Perhaps you could call in sick today. You don’t look so well.” Yamapi said worriedly.

“I’m sure I’m ok. Besides, today we have an important photo shoot. I can’t afford to miss that. And I promise to take things easy today. Is that ok with you, oh great leader.” Ryo said to Yamapi, with teasing tones.

“Ok, but if you feel like you can’t take it anymore or if you feeling drowsy, you have to tell one of us immediately, ok. Don’t keep to yourself.” Yamapi reminded him.

“Hai, hai.” Ryo replied. Although Tatsuya was feeling a bit worried when he heard that Ryo was sick, but knowing that Yamapi was there to take care of Ryo did soothed the wariness that he felt inside his heart. As he walked along the hallway to his dressing room, his mind filled with Ryo’s health. Will he be alright? Is he going to be fine? How is he feeling? These questions entered his mind and he almost walked passed KAT TUN’s room if not for Kame who was just back from the washroom.

“Tat-chan, where are you going?” Tatsuya heard from behind him. When he turned, he saw Kame ran to his side. “What’s wrong, Tat-chan? You look trouble?” Other questions from Kame. Tatsuya just shook his head and gave Kame a small smile.

“Nothing Kame, nothing is wrong. I guess I was just lost in thought, that’s all.” He said as he led Kame into their dressing room. Kame looked puzzled with Tatsuya’s attitude.


“Moshi moshi.” Kame said as he picked up his ringing cell phone. “Yes, Pi. Jin? Well, he on the phone with his mother right now. Tat-chan? Well, he went to the washroom just now. Oh, he’s here now. Tat-chan, Pi wants to talk to you.” Kame said as he passed his phone to Tatsuya.

“Yes Pi. Hmm…What? Where are you right now? Ok, I’ll be there in five minutes. Five minutes, Pi, be ready ok.” Just as he said that, he shoved the phone to Kame then rushed out from the practiced room. “What? Tat-chan, where are you going?” Kame asked as he watched Tatsuya run out. “Pi, what the hell happened? Why did Tat-chan run out like that?” Kame asked Yamapi who was still on the line.

“WHAT? Nishikido fainted? When? Where are you?” Kame questioned Yamapi. Jin and Nakamaru who was nearby heard him and began to crowd around him. Kame just listened to Yamapi answers. “You at… where? But that takes about 15 minutes on the car to arrive there from the Jimusho.” Kame exclaimed.

“Yeah, ok, don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of everything here. You just make sure both of them are ok, once Tat-chan arrives there.” Kame said finally before hanging.

“So, what wrong? Why did Pi called? What make Tat-chan run out that way?” Jin asked curiously. Kame just massages his forehead. “Apparently Nishikido fainted at their photo shooting place. Pi tried to call you and Tat-chan but can’t get through when he finally called me to tell Tat-chan about that. And I’m guessing that Tat-chan was worried about Nishikido since morning because he had been acting weird earlier. And I think Tat-chan is on his way to the place right now.” Kame explained to Jin, Nakamaru and Junno who was also listening to his explanation.

“You know, if this doesn’t make them realize their feeling towards each other, I don’t know what else will do. I mean, from here to their photo shoot location takes about 15 minutes of car rides and Tat-chan said he will be there in 5 minutes. It’s so obvious.” Kame started ranting. Jin nodded in agreement, along with Junno.

“Well, we are dealing with two very stubborn and oblivious people in Jimusho. What do you expect?” Nakamaru said. All three of his friends just nodded their agreement. Koki who was just arrived looked weirdly at them.


Tatsuya brushed Ryo’s fringe out of his face before putting the wet towel onto his forehead. Ryo’s face was paled and there’s sweat too. His fever had sprung up quickly and Tatsuya was now trying to keep it down.

Tatsuya just sighed when he looked at Ryo’s sleeping faced. He knew he was worried for nothing. The doctor said that Ryo fainted because of exhaustion. After all, ever since he was back from Osaka, he’s been working non-stop with NEWS. Even Yamapi has said so. But he can’t help but feeling worried anyway. Am I developing feeling for him, Tatsuya thought? Nah, it can’t be. I’m just worried as a friend. Beside, he did take care of me after the accident, I’m just returning the favor, Tatsuya said in denials.

So Tatsuya was taking care of Ryo for three days that Ryo was sick on bed. He just leaves when he had to work, other wise he will be by Ryo’s side, changing the towel, helping him in and out of bed and also helped feeding him since Ryo was too weak to do it on his own.

“Hey Hime.” Ryo addressed Tatsuya on the fourth night he was in bed. But he had also gained his strength back and manages to do things on his own again. “Hmm, what is it Ryo?” Tatsuya asked, as he looked up from the book that he was reading.

“I just want to thank you for taking care of me while I’m sick.” Ryo said. Tatsuya just smiled. “You’re welcome.” Tatsuya replied. Then he stands up. “Come on Ryo, You’re still sick, you should sleep.” Tatsuya said as he help Ryo lied down. Suddenly Ryo pulled him down and started to kiss him. Losing in his own desire, Tatsuya was kissing Ryo back with all his worth. And that night end with none of them sleeping.

To be continued….

fanfic : ryoda, gw2m the series

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