Well, glad I made it to the bank and grocery store. EC is already flooded (my little car does NOT like flooding). We've had so much rain that it didn't take much.
Looks like we're gonna have tropical storm winds sometime late this evening/tomorrow morning and be out of here by late tomorrow.
Of course we'll probably lose power so don't fret if I'm MIA for a couple days.
At least Rob is off work tomorrow. Since they're taking ambulances/cops off the road tonight, methinks driving to VA would be hazardous.
I'll keep folk updated as I can.
Now I gotta go remove projectiles from the yard, make tea and fill up water containers...all that fun stuff.
Hope you lower NC folk don't get too flooded. Also, I've got my fingers crossed for Floridians regarding Ike.
"Hanna is racing north tonight, and heavy squalls are approaching the coast of the Carolinas.
At 8p.m., the center of Tropical Storm Hanna was located...about 100 miles south-southeast of Charleston, South Carolina and about 100 miles east of Savannah.
Hanna is moving toward the north near 20mph with maximum sustained winds near 70mph with higher gusts. There is still a possibility Hanna could become a hurricane prior to landfall.
The center of Hanna may make landfall from north of Charleston, SC, to Cape Fear, NC, during the overnight hours.
"According to tracking estimates from the National Weather Service’s National Hurricane Center at 8:00 a.m. on Sept. 4, gale force winds are expected to reach Currituck County at approximately 2:00 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 6, 2008. High wind conditions are anticipated to remain in the area until approximately 4:00 p.m. on Saturday.
...Citizens are encouraged to monitor Hanna’s progress through local media outlets. Updated information will also be placed on Currituckgovernment.com throughout the event.
Per county policy, residents are advised that Currituck Emergency Medical Services will not respond by ambulance when sustained winds exceed 39 mph. The Currituck Sheriff’s Office will pull its vehicles off the road when sustained winds reach 50 mph."