A New Life is born: A Twist of Fate’s sequel

Dec 31, 2008 19:07

Title: A New Life is born: A Twist of Fate’s sequel
Author: hanez
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG 13
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Situated 4 months after A Twist of Fate’s epilogue, this sequel looks into detail of the couple’s marriage, and yup, their first born (Baby Akame!). The moment all you readers had been waiting for is finally here.
Disclaimer: Akame don’t belong to me in anyway.
Warning: GIRL!Kame !!! Read it at your own risk!


Jin stood by the door of Ryu’s bedroom, watching his wife cooed their son to sleep. He tiptoed into the room the minute Kazuya had done placing the sleeping baby into his crib. She yelped in surprise when she felt an arm slipped onto her waist. She clamped her mouth immediately, afraid that Ryu would wake up but thankfully, he didn’t. He was still sleeping soundly, not even a stir. Kazuya heaved a sigh of relief.

“Jin!!” Kazuya whispered, and turned to face her husband. “Don’t scare me like that!”

“Why would you be surprised in the first place anyway? I’m the only man in this apartment. No one else would be able to molest you except me.” A grin appeared on Jin’s face as he said that causing Kazuya to stare blankly at his expression.

“You know I don’t mean it that way. You hugged me from behind in silence and without warning. Of course I would be taken aback by it! You could have woken Ryu up, you know.” She glanced at Ryu before turning her attention back to Jin.

“You were the one who shouted …” Jin reminded as he pulled her closer to him.

“You were the one who sneaked up behind me.” Kazuya retorted, not wanting to admit defeat. “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have shouted and nearly woken our baby here. If you wanted to hug me so much, you could have waited till I’m out of Ryu’s room, right?”

Jin pouted, “But you were so irresistible, I wanted to hug you badly then.” He brushed Kazuya’s fringe, flashing her one endearing expression, one he know she would not be able to resist. His fingers moved to her cheeks and down her lips. “And now … I want to savour these lips of yours …”

“Then what are you waiting for?” Kazuya teased. She closed her eyes the second she feels Jin inching closer to her, his lips on hers. She could not help but smile in midst of kissing, the happiness that she felt is so overwhelming.

They were so indulged in the moment that they did not realise that they’re kissing in front of their son, again. They break apart after a minute, both staring into each other’s eyes full of love, it was as if they were still sweethearts and not yet married.

“I love you.” Jin said.

Kazuya smiled at him in return, pecking him on the lips as her reply to his statement. Kazuya didn’t have to say those three words back to him because he knew he hold a special place in her heart, the same for him.

“Let’s go to bed?”

Kazuya nodded, the both of them glanced at their son lovingly before heading out of Ryu’s bedroom hand in hand.


Jin’s eyes fluttered open, the sunlight from the window blinded his vision and had thus woken him up. He yawned and stretched his arms, his movements limited due to the weight on him. Kazuya’s head was lying on his chest, her left leg over his own as she cuddled close to him. Jin smiled at this image, as he brushed her hair gently.

He wanted this moment to last awhile longer … But after fifteen minutes staying in the same position, and realising the time, Jin shook his wife lightly on the shoulder. Kazuya stirred, burying her face deeper into the warmth of Jin’s chest, refusing to get up.

“Kazuya …”

Still no response from Kazuya, Jin had no choice but to trick her to wake up.

“Kazu, Ryu’s awake! He’s crying.”

“You’re lying. I don’t hear any crying.” Kazuya mumbled, shifting next to Jin on the bed as she looked up at him sleepily. “Ryu’s still sound asleep.”

“I know. I had to wake you up somehow.”

Kazuya pouted, cuddling against her husband once more. “You can’t blame me. This is the most comfortable place ever. I feel safe.” She expressed honestly.

Jin smiled at that, twiddling with his wife’s ears. “It is for me too.”

“What time is it, Jin?” Kazuya asked after a moment’s of silence.


Kazuya immediately sat up, and leaned against the headboard of the bed. “We have to get ready. Our families are coming at 11 for Ryu’s baby bash, right?”

Jin nodded. “Hmm, as of our close friends too, they said they would come early if they could.”

Kazuya got off the bed, heading in the direction of the bathroom.


“Hmm?” She lets go of the doorknob she was holding and turned back to Jin.

“You’re just going to take a bath alone?”

Kazuya smirked and opened the door. “Well if someone wants to join me, he’s very much welcome to.”

She grinned in satisfaction when Jin leap out of the bed instantly, grabbing her hand and pulled her inside the bathroom. The door slammed shut, only the sound of pouring water could be heard from outside.


Kazuya waited in the bathroom naked while Jin fetched her bathrobe from their closet, a small towel tied to his waist. He hugged her naked form before handing her the bathrobe, his lips curving into a smile as he watched his wife putting the robe on.

“What are you smiling at?” Kazuya looked down to where Jin’s eyes focused on and blushed. “Jin, you’re a pervert!” She quickly covered herself and tied the two ends of her bathrobe, causing Jin to pout.

“You’re just so beautiful, baby.” Jin closed their distance and pulled Kazuya into an embrace. “And I’m the only one who could see such beauty in you.”

“Of course you get the privilege, Jin …”

“Every day, I love you more, Kazu.” Jin looked at Kazuya’s eyes, his expression meaningful.

“Why are you so sappy early in the morning?” Kazuya could not help but feel amused at this situation. “And you’re clearly flirting with me the minute I woke up.”

“Can’t I? You’re my wife. I deserve the right to …”

Kazuya shut Jin up with a fierce kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck. Jin leaned closer to her, not realising the hands that had roamed to the towel around his waist. In a swift motion, his towel fell to the floor causing Kazuya to laugh as she walked out of the bathroom.


“What? I also have a right to flirt with my own husband.” She flashed him a playful wink.

“You’re not going to get away with it …” Jin picked up the fallen towel and re-tied it around his waist. He was about to catch after Kazuya when a loud wailing of cries could be heard, causing him to freeze in his position instead.

“Well, Ryu is awake. I’ll go take care of him while you change.”

With that Kazuya hurried out of the bedroom, leaving Jin all alone fuming in dissatisfaction.


Kazuya had just finished feeding Ryu when the doorbell rang, to which Jin answered. She quickly corrected the position of her dress, placing Ryu on her chest as she got off the sofa, and headed in the direction of the entrance. Kazuya smiled brightly when she saw who the guests were, they were none other than the families of both sides.

“Okaasan …” Kazuya hugged both her mother and mother-in-law, Ryu still on her hold.

“Aunty Kazu!!!” Kazuya’s four year old niece, Yuka, held her hand excitedly, jumping up and down to have a look at baby Ryu. “Can Yuka play with Ryu, Aunty Kazu? Pleaseeeeee ….”

Kazuya chuckled. “Sure you can.”

Yuka clapped her hands happily, she then ran towards Jin, flailing her arms towards him, wanting to be carried. Jin of course, gave in to her request and scooped her up instantly.

“Ryu-chan cute ne …”

“He sure is.” Jin answered, taking a glance at his son.

The families entered the living room, all of them attacking Ryu instantly. Yuya were in charge of taking care of Ryu alongside Yuka, of course. Jin and the others helped in setting up the buffet and cleaning up the living room while the ladies were busy cooking in the kitchen.

“Ryu!” Yuka sat next to Uncle Yuya, Ryu on his thighs. “He’s so small, Uncle Yu. Was Yuka this small too?” She asked her youngest uncle full of interest, her left hand holding onto Ryu’s small hand.

Yuya nodded his head, “Hmm, Yuka was quite small and cute too.”

“Really?” Yuka asked.


Just then, Kazuya walked into the living room, holding a tray of ice cream cups. “Yuka-chan, ice cream …” She said, placing the tray on the coffee table.

“Ice cream? Yuka loves ice cream!!!” The toddler got down the sofa, grabbing a cup and spoon almost immediately.

Kazuya ruffled her niece’s hair lovingly. She handed her husband a cup of ice cream too. Jin took the opportunity to brush their hands together, only to flinch when Kazuya cheekily pinched her flirty husband on the waist.

“Kazu, that hurts!!!”

“Serves you right.” Kazuya mouthed, grinning. “Finish up your ice cream quickly then go back to your task.”

“Yes, my queen.”

Without warning, Jin grabbed Kazuya by the waist, and kissed her on the lips, surprising her once again. The family of the two simply looked on, amused. Yuya instinctively covered Yuka’s eyes, that scene was not appropriate for young kids. Kazuya, realising where they were, pushed Jin, her eyes glared hard at him.

“Hey, if you wanna kiss, go somewhere else. Hmm, like the bedroom?” Reo teased.

Kazuya blushed. Without saying anything, she hurried back to the kitchen, ignoring Jin’s calls.

“You shouldn’t have teased her.” Jin scolded his younger brother, crossing his arms. “See, she ran away from me.”

“Who wouldn’t run away if you suddenly kissed her in front of her own family?” Reo muttered.

“You two … ever since you both were still dating and now married you can’t keep your hands off each other, you’re all cuddly and romantic.” Kamenashi Yoijiro commented, seriously amused.

“We’re bonded by soul, that’s why.” Jin grinned.


After an hour without Kazuya by his side, Jin sighed restlessly. He stopped whatever he was doing and entered the kitchen. This time Kazuya was aware of Jin’s presence, she didn’t push her husband away when he slides his arm around her waist, leaning his head on her shoulder as she cooked. This action was not left unnoticed by the two mothers.

“You have two babies to take care of, Kazuya.” Akanishi Hiromi chuckled.

“This baby here is much difficult to handle than Ryu.” Kazuya said nonchalantly.

“Kazu!!!!” Jin pouted, moving away from Kazuya and hugged his mother instead. “Fine, if you can’t handle this baby, you can return him back to his mother.” Jin’s mother laughed at that.

Kazuya raised her eyebrows, she was about to say something when Ryu’s cries could be heard.

“Go ahead and attend to Ryu, dear. We’ll finish the rest of the cooking. “Kazuya’s mother assured her, patting her daughter on the shoulder.

Kazuya hesitantly nodded, taking off her apron and hurried out of the kitchen, Jin following right behind, to the mothers’ amusement.


“Jin, what are you doing here? Don’t you have work to do?” Kazuya looked up from her baby when she sees her husband walking into their bedroom. Ryu was heavenly sucking on her milk, the small fingers clutched to his mother’s dress.

“I’m having a break.”

Jin sat on the bed as he reached for his son’s hand, he smiled when Ryu lets go his hold on Kazuya’s dress and clutched on Jin’s fingers instead. The hold was loose but firm.

“Ryu’s really hungry.” Jin chuckled, brushing Ryu’s hair gently with his free hand.

“Aren’t you too, Jin?”

“Eh?” Jin looked at Kazuya dumbfounded.

“Hungry for attention …”

A smirk appeared on Jin’s face as he leaned closer to Kazuya, their faces just inches away from each other. “Maybe you’re right.” He whispered, bending down to kiss his wife on the lips when their bedroom door opened. Jin quickly covered Kazuya with his body, protecting her who was still breastfeeding Ryu.

“Yo!!!” Yamapi ‘s smile faded away when he sees the position his two friends were. He blinked.

Did he just … interrupt something?

“Pi, get out! Now’s not the time! We’re having our private moment!” Jin shouted.

“Jin!” Kazuya scolded him, that sentence sounds so misleading.

“Ah, I’m sorry.” Yamapi grinned. “Next time, please lock the door?”

The door clicked shut.


By evening, most of the couple’s close friends and sempais had arrived. The first thing that they do when they entered the apartment was to search for Ryu, gleeful to finally see the baby.

“Kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!” Uchi shouted excitedly, baby Ryu in his arms, his boyfriend by his side. “Ryo-chan, look how cute he is! He’s so cute, right?”

“You’re too hyper, Hiroki.” Ryo held Ryu’s fingers with a smile.

“But Ryu’s really cute!”

Ryu suddenly started crying causing Uchi to panic. He turned to face Ryo frantically, not knowing what to do. After all these years, Uchi’s still not good with babies. He handed Ryu to his lover; the baby amazingly stopped crying, persuaded by Ryo’s humming.

Uchi smiled, the both of them not noticing that more people had started crowding around them.


The doorbell rang. Jin waste no time in answering it, his wife stood next to him to greet their guest. He opened the door, revealing none other than Matsumoto Jun.

“You’re late.”

To Jin’s surprise, Jun did not snapped back but apologized for being late, saying that he had to pick someone up first. Jun looked behind. Jin blinked in confusion but followed Jun’s gaze, Inoue Mao suddenly appeared from Jun’s back.

“Konbawa.” Mao greeted the couple with a shy smile, handing a present to them. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Kazuya accepted it warmly, pulling her inside. “Come in.”

Jin looked at the retreating backs of Kazuya and Mao, “So the rumours were true after all, huh?”

Jun simply smiled at that question as he too disappeared into the living room, searching for his Mao. Jin crossed his arms and pouted, his question left unanswered.

“Jin! Close the door!”

Kazuya’s voice brought Jin back to reality as he quickly did what he was told.


“Congratulations, Kazuya and Jin!”

The baby bash was filled with smiles and laughter, an event that lasted till night. It was a success alright though Ryu was the first to go to bed, being just a baby. The minute Ryu was tucked into his crib, the party ended. The guests left one by one, leaving the couple’s close friends who volunteered to help with the cleaning.

“Thanks, guys. Lock the door when you leave, okay?” Jin wrapped an arm around his sleepy wife’s waist, to which Kazuya leaned even closer to him, too exhausted to push him away.

“Sure, don’t worry. Just go to bed, Jin. Your wife barely can open her eyes.” Yamapi stated.

“Okay then, good night.”

“Night.” Kazuya murmured to her friends as she was guided to the bedroom, snuggling to Jin’s warmth the minute she flopped down the bed. She heaved a sigh of content, after all this is her most comfortable place, being next to Jin.

“Sweet dreams, sweetheart.”

Jin kissed Kazuya on the forehead as darkness engulfs him not long after.


Author’s Note: Seriously lots of flirting coming from both Jin and Kazuya in this chapter, especially Jin!! He’s such a baby! I can’t resist writing RyoUchi and JunMao (am such a big fan). I’m gonna write the Toddler Kame fic soon after this. I don’t think I can finish it by tonight so expect that fic around 1st or 2nd of January? I’ll try best. This 3 fic updates is a present from me for the coming new year. Goodbye to the year 2008 and say hello to 2009!

a twist of fate

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