(no subject)

Apr 26, 2007 12:18

Went to the doctor today.
Under the concern of the head of physio at the hosp.
Wasn't so bad actually - just freaking expensive...bloody guernsey rules.
I told her everything she wanted to hear - that i had diarrhoea sunday night and now vomitting since monday.  
I told her i had vomitted everything i had eaten, and drunk, which is technically not a lie.
I said i hadn't passed urine for 24 hours - again, no lie
She didn't ask if the vomitting was self induced though - and it seemed off topic to mention it.
She spent an age asking whether i was pregnant, which i found amusingly ironic...
She told me to drink flat de-caffienated coke and water to replace electrolytes.
I don't think i willl - i hate coke - and in a sick, self-centered way i want to be ill and admitted to hosp, and drip fed IV fluids, so i dont have to go to placement.

I had to book another appt this evening as she seemed worried...
As soon as i got home, she phoned me, asking me to go back for some bloods...right...
one word - efficiency??

So went back...some nurses are so incompetent.  She took 6 huuuge great bottles of blood out of me, and i said i could see it leaking out the tube.  She ignored me, got me to make a fist, and then removed the needle.  Hahaha,  bitch got her comeuppance when she flicked the needle and my blood ended up all over her face, neck, hands and right down the front of her WHITE tunic. ;)
So, bloods were urgently sent to hosp and results will be back this afternoon for me to see yet another dr...

joy oh fucking joy.
still it would seem i have assured the remaining week off work... :)
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