Nov 29, 2005 23:13
I just got a request to go bitch about some miscellanious (fuckin can't spell) shit so here goes. (on myspace originally)
I arrived in Cali around Oct. 2nd 2005. It's been a rocky start to say the least, for instance, I had about 2 grand saved before I moved out here, and since then I have about $2.00.
Reason being, I had a set plan before I moved to get another waitor job, so I faxed a few resteraunts and such, so I could secure a job when I arrived. I did get one as a host. They said they needed a host and when a server position opens up they'd give it to me. So about a couple days later, new servers kept popping up. Turns out they just wanted to fill the host spot so they could get servers again, I was suckered , so I put my 2 weeks as soon as another resteraunt agreed to hire me. Plus I wasn't making shit being a host I couldn't support myself hardly at all with the extremely high phone bill, 5 bike repair trips, curiously high groceries, I was up shit creek, on the way to being homeless, and I've only been here a month.
But things are lookin up, my waitor occupation , is going okay, but the manager is really a snoot, she told me I a did a good job my first day there, and then replied in a snooty tone, we'll see how you do next time. She told me I'm on a 2 week probation server period. I guess out here non lazy employees are hard to find.
I saw the new Harry pussy butthole Potter film, not bad.
Started to Read the 2nd Harry pussy butthole Potter book.
Read the 1st Vampire Hunter D novel.
Went Biking along the pacific coast for about 12 miles.
Went swimming.
Moved to a new apartment.
Saw the movie 40 Year Old Virgin, hilarious.
Bought a Dance Dance Revolution Game with Dance mat,. Fun.
Scared the hell out of one of my female coworkers at my last job, by asking if she wanted to hang out some time. She replied " I have a boyfriend" to which I said. " That's not what I meant (which I actually didn't mean to come off that way) I'm new in town and you just seem like a nice person."
Hmmmmm ummm, that's all for now
"Watch out when you ask for something.....YOU MIGHT GET IT!!!! "
-Ken Masters-