Snowflake Challenge, days 13-15, and not-my-fanwork for day 12

Jan 15, 2018 17:14

Day 12: In your own space, create a fanwork. Make a podfic, an icon, a sketch, a meta, or a rec list. Arts and crafts. Cross stitch. Draft an essay about a particular medium. Put together a picspam or a fanmix. Write a review of book you love, a ship manifesto, a you-should-be-listening-to-this-band essay. Create something.I'm going to have to take ( Read more... )

fandom meme, pix, l craft, snowflake challenge, ronan boys

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Comments 62

lyssa027 January 16 2018, 03:44:43 UTC
L is such a talented artist, I can't even draw 1/2 as well as her. Those bird drawings are impressive


hamsterwoman January 16 2018, 22:16:37 UTC
Thank you (on L's behalf, since she sure didn't inherit any drawing ability from me ;)


ikel89 January 16 2018, 14:30:47 UTC
Heeee, look at that! Almost simultaneously posting book goal lists (and some overlap there! get inspired for more syncreads that i will inevitably complete later than everyone XDD)! Re: Provenance, I'm game for a syncread after Yulya leaves, which makes it the week of 22 Jan and going forward. Would that work for you, time-wise?:)

UPD. smugmug at having had early previews of ronan's birds!


hamsterwoman January 16 2018, 22:18:02 UTC
Yes, we're very in synch! Speaking of which, yes, Jan 22 should definitely work. I expect to be done with my science-magic book very soon, so hopefully I can squeeze in something else quick, maybe finishing up White Teeth.

And, yes, you were the first to see the birdies :D (There are animals now, too, but she doesn't like those pictures as much... But Gansey is a derpy lion and Noah is a panda.)


ikel89 January 17 2018, 07:48:29 UTC
Roger that! I'll put up a syncread post next week, then. And good luck with White Teeth! :> Want to know all you think about it ofc.

Whats the science magic book?

PS. I hope you like Night Circus, whenever you get to it -- I sure did :)


hamsterwoman January 17 2018, 08:22:30 UTC
Whats the science magic book?

Philosophers Flight :) Eve's rec, and 100% my thing! (magic uni in preparation for WWI magical medic training, basically. It's hard to thing of a thing farther up my alley :D)


sysann January 16 2018, 21:37:33 UTC
Do we have to limit these to one fandom? Because just recently I'd need to say B5 for reasons you're aware of. But you know we share more than one fandom. Maybe if I come back once per day?
Also, if you wish to blame me for things like your alphabetically character poem, go right ahead. :D It's one of my favs among your work.


hamsterwoman January 16 2018, 22:08:17 UTC
Absolutely no need to limit it to one fandom -- the more the merrier :) (Over on DW, I've already answered for LotR as well as Avatar: the Last Airbender, and Machineries of Emprire, though AFAIK you're only familiar with the first?)

It's one of my favs among your work.

I'm very fond of it, too :) And I think it's probably the fannish poem of mine that's drawn the most positive reviews on my flist, too :D

Answers for B5 coming up shortly. For purposes of spoilerness, which ep are you up to now?


sysann January 16 2018, 22:53:46 UTC
Yes. I'll check the LOTR replies on DW, thanks. Oh and thanks for getting to B5. How about adding: In Other Lands, Firefly, Lewis, Buffy, Xena & Harry Potter? :) I know we share other fandoms, too. But I suspect you might have one or two other things to do with your time, too. *g* --- I completely overlooked that you mean to give Farscape a try. I hope you'll like it. It's been a while but I know I enjoyed it.

I'm done with S3. :) I've finished up the snowflake challenge in a cheaty way for now so I'll be posting my comments shortly. :) And then go back to mainlining for a while. (Yeah I do know what time it is here. But as I can't sleep...) ---


Let's start with B5 hamsterwoman January 18 2018, 09:07:57 UTC
Favorite character ( ... )


blakmagjick January 16 2018, 22:15:37 UTC
Love the bird drawings...even if I don't know the series :)

I loved The Night Circus!
And Farscape is a lot of fun...tho I've only watched S1. haha


hamsterwoman January 17 2018, 17:47:45 UTC
Thank you (on L's behalf :)

I've heard really good things about The Night Circus. I'm not entirely convinced it's "my" kind of book, but definitely curious to find out for myself.

And I have a fair number of Farscape fans on my list, some of whom have been trying to woo me over for literal years. Hopefully this is the year I actually give it a shot!


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