Snowflake Challenge, days 13-15, and not-my-fanwork for day 12

Jan 15, 2018 17:14

Day 12: In your own space, create a fanwork. Make a podfic, an icon, a sketch, a meta, or a rec list. Arts and crafts. Cross stitch. Draft an essay about a particular medium. Put together a picspam or a fanmix. Write a review of book you love, a ship manifesto, a you-should-be-listening-to-this-band essay. Create something.I'm going to have to take ( Read more... )

fandom meme, pix, l craft, snowflake challenge, ronan boys

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Let's start with B5 hamsterwoman January 18 2018, 09:07:57 UTC
Favorite character:
Londo. I just find his arc really interesting. But I also really love G'Kar, and a lot of the others (Garibaldi, Franklin, Lennier, Fir, just at the top tier). And Zathras :)

Least Favorite character:
There's a character I really dislike in s5, but of the ones you've met: Talia, probably. I didn't like her, Lyta, or Sinclair. But since learning about why Sinclair left the show, Ive been cutting his actor way more slack. And of the two telepaths, Talia's acting and just her face annoy me more.

5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
I don't seriously ship anything, but there are a lot of fun dynamics on the show that I wouldn't mind seeing explored in shippy fic -- Garibaldi/Ivanova, Franklin/Marcus, Vir/Lennier for example. I do like Lennier's unrequited thing for Delenn, though.

Character I find most attractive:
Marcus :) Franklin can look very dashing in the old EA uniform, though; the dark blue is really pretty on him.

Character I would marry:
Either Marcus or Garibaldi. They're both the kind of guys I like spending time with. And Marcus is definitely more my type physically, so let's say him.

Character I would be best friends with:
Garibaldi as my top answer for this, but a lot of the others would be fun, too, especially Ivanova and Lennier.

a random thought:
The avalance has already started, it is too late for random thoughts.

An unpopular opinion:
I think a lot of people like Lyta? And ship Susan/Talia? I'm really not a fan of either.

my canon OTP:
The very complicated relationship between Londo and G'Kar over the course of the series.

Alternately, Sheridan/White Star :P

Non-canon OTP:
Probably Garibaldi/Ivanova, because it's got a dynamic I like, but you're making me consider Franklin/Ivanova, too.

most badass character:
G'Kar, I think.

pairing I am not a fan of:

character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
*spoilers redacted* is the real answer. But for now let's say, it's not the fault of the writers, but I was disappointed that the original Na'Toth left and her replacement didn't work out -- it would've been nice to have more Na'Toth.

favourite friendship:
Garibaldi/everyone. But I'm particularly fond of his dynamic with Lennier.

But as I've said elsewhere, I'm also really fond of Sheridan and Ivanova's friendship.

character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
Adopt -- Vir.
Adopted by -- uh, Delenn maybe? This one is definitely harder...

(More to come tomorrow or in the next couple of days :)


Re: Let's start with B5 sysann January 18 2018, 20:16:20 UTC
I'll never understand what you like about Londo. But that's okay. :) I don't hate him quite as much as I did in the earlier seasons, but he'll never grow on me.
I can see Stephen/Marcus. But to be fair... you know my main ship. :P (I'm surprised you're even considering Ivanova/Franklin given that I cheer for five minutes every time they stand or sit next to each other. But it's not my fault there isn't really that much more to go on. Although there is "I like her. Scares the hell out of me sometimes. But I like her.")
I sooooooooooooo agree that we should've had more Na'Toth. I was heart-broken when she vanished from the credits and I could swear I read she's in a later episode or in a novel or something but I can't seem to find the comment again. And now I have to watch at even better top speed and can't sleep till I find out if they find her and save her and if she'll be okay. Or if she's died on Narn. Because you know, now that Narn is free you'd think she'd be back if she was imprisoned. (Sorry, I know I overreact, but Na'Toth is the first character I remember from that novel I read before I ever watched the show. I was delighted when I recognized her.)
Oh and I almost forgot... I really am very fond of Lennier's crush on Delenn because he's so very, very good at just keeping it to himself and being there for her without ever going all "but you should know that I love you and that this isn't fair to me" whining. But then, I love Lennier. So what else would I say? This show is a blessing when it comes to the amount of second in command type of characters. <3
Are you *sure* you'd like to adopt Vir? You do remember the birds & bees talk Ivanova had to have with him?
I think Delenn would be a very interesting person to be raised by. But I wonder if I wouldn't prefer Lennier, actually. And I mean Delenn was raised by her dad so it can't be that uncommon among Minbari. --- You know if he put his mind to it I also think you could learn a lot from being raised by G'Kar these days. Not necessarily before his revelation experience. But nowadays? (But then if that future thing plays out that's about twenty years till he dies, right? -Seeing as Sheridan's still alive... unless Lorien just told him 20 years to screw with him and tell him to appreciate his life.-)


Re: Let's start with B5 hamsterwoman January 18 2018, 21:59:16 UTC
But that's okay. :)

That is OK, and I've pretty much accepted that, haha. What I like about Londo is, well, let me quote from a comment to another friend who's been watching the show, and is just a little ahead of you at this point, or maybe about even:

The thing I really like about Londo, I think, is just the completeness of his arc. Like, he starts out this fairly comic and often bumbling figure, getting drunk at parties and telling his stories about the glory of the Centauri Republic, and sniping pettily at G'Kar and complaining about everything. And then Morden, and you see this affable old buffoon suddenly having the power to have an entire planet destroyed -- and doing it, and coming to the realization of what that means, and commencing the steep, steep climb towards, well, towards whatever he can salvage at this point. I find it more impressive, even, than G'Kar's transformation from shouty thug who likes to have sex with human women to the warrior-philosopher/holy figure, because you get to see both the descent and the other side of the arc.

You don't see that sort of thing very often, and I think it's done really well here, with every part sort of believably flowing from the previous one and from the person Londo is at the very start (not a great person! but an interesting one.)

Do you want me to put you out of your misery about Na'Toth?

This show is a blessing when it comes to the amount of second in command type of characters. <3

It really is, and I happen to really like that type :) (as you do)

Are you *sure* you'd like to adopt Vir? You do remember the birds & bees talk Ivanova had to have with him?

Ahaha! I think I could manage, LOL XD

Lennier WOULD be another good character to be adopted by... I just feel more protective towards him, almost maternal, so it would be weird to have that reversed. No thanks on G'Kar, though. I respect and admire the hell out of him, but I would want someone a bit less... touched by suffering, I guess, as a father. Which is not to say that Delenn hasn't experienced her fair share, but G'Kar is in a league of his own.


Re: Let's start with B5 sysann January 18 2018, 22:23:55 UTC
I can understand that you consider his character developmet interesting. But maybe we just define the word "favorite" rather differently. I have to like favs. If I dislike a character he cannot be a favorite for me. I have a certain tolerance for actions I dislike, but Londo is in a league of his own on how much I dislike what he's up to. And to be fair, I never really cared about any of what he was up to before he descended to war crimes. Like I've said... he whines for the good old days when they ambushed and exploited a formerly peaceful people and at the same time complains that they didn't just remain peaceful people they could continue to exploit. (Oh and I'm mid season four now. Sleep is overrated. I wished I hadn't wasted my time on Thirdspace. I have no idea why I did, but it supposedly belonged after Illusion of Truth.)

I'm not sure. I half enjoy being miserable about it because whatever happened to her is dreadful, either she died or she's being tortured because there's no way Na'Toth isn't what the Centauris consider "aggressive" when you throw Centauris conquering her world at her. So whatever happened isn't pleasant. And it's only fair I get to suffer a bit, too, given that she probably did/does.

It really is, and I happen to really like that type :) (as you do)
I mean I have times when Vir and I aren't exactly best friends forever. But I love Lennier more and more. And Na'Toth's a dream come true. --- And well you know... Susan.... *smiles*

Ahaha! I think I could manage, LOL XD
Well, generally, yes. But with Vir?

Lennier WOULD be another good character to be adopted by... I just feel more protective towards him, almost maternal, so it would be weird to have that reversed. No thanks on G'Kar, though. I respect and admire the hell out of him, but I would want someone a bit less... touched by suffering, I guess, as a father. Which is not to say that Delenn hasn't experienced her fair share, but G'Kar is in a league of his own.
That is a good point. I do feel protective of him, too. --- Well G'Kar would deserve someoe who loves and admires him. I think it's cruel that his support was withdrawn. It made perfect sense to offer each of the main ambassadors and attaché to even out what they'd need to face throughout canon.


Re: Let's start with B5 hamsterwoman January 18 2018, 23:40:16 UTC
But maybe we just define the word "favorite" rather differently.

We probably do define it differently. For me, it's the character who I most enjoy watching when he's onscreen/on the page. Sometimes it's somebody I admire as a person, but more often it's whoever is the most interesting to me -- and usually it's the flaws that make them interesting.

(I *do* like Londo, though -- not in the middle of his arc, when he's in bed with the devil, but I like him at the beginning (flawed as he is, and as little as I share his motivations), and I like that he does, actually, climb his way out of there, and when the chips are down is willing to sacrifice himself -- I mean, MOST people on this show are, many times over, but for him that's actual character growth. )

OK, well, you let me know if you ever change your mind and want to know about Na'Toth :) Although at the rate you're going, you probably won't need me to tell you anything before long.

I wished I hadn't wasted my time on Thirdspace. I have no idea why I did, but it supposedly belonged after Illusion of Truth.)

I've no idea about that! I've never watched any of the movies made later, because I've never heard anything particularly great about them. Let me know if you find any of them worthwhile, I guess? :P

But with Vir?

I could read up on Centauri anatomy and general sex ed! I'm kind of curious anyway :P


Re: Let's start with B5 sysann January 18 2018, 23:58:55 UTC
Then we do. :) I cannot have a favorite I don't like, for me the very word implies that I like the character. Not in the sense that they have to be flawless or anything. Stephen isn't. Most characters aren't. But I need to understand (on some level) what they're doing.

*smiles* I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on him. :) That's fine though, we don't really agree on all characters in other shows either. And there's enough on B5 we both like.

So it is revealed in the show? --- In that case I'll probably find out in about a week, perhaps two, depending on where in canon it's revealed.

I've no idea about that! I've never watched any of the movies made later, because I've never heard anything particularly great about them. Let me know if you find any of them worthwhile, I guess? :P
Well, I will if I ever actively like one. But with the two I've watched so far... I don't really see that happen. I mean I kinda have to watch movies that could have Susan&Stephen scenes. But I watched about an hour and a half for a scene that lasted maybe a minute. (My comment on the film is roughly four lines long. You know how long my comments can be if I'm interested in an episode.)

I could read up on Centauri anatomy and general sex ed! I'm kind of curious anyway :P
Yeah, but he'd randomly spring questions like that on you out of nowhere.
And of course there is the time where he tells Susan that he's been dreaming about her and a bunch of other women and that they probably shouldn't go into it. (But that's a) in Thirdspace and b) not what it sounds like.)


Re: Let's start with B5 hamsterwoman January 19 2018, 02:20:32 UTC
So it is revealed in the show?

If I remember correctly, yes :)

(But that's a) in Thirdspace and b) not what it sounds like.)



Re: Let's start with B5 sysann January 19 2018, 17:50:02 UTC
I wished that was a good thing. :/ I mean, I suppose it means she's alive, because randomly mentioning again that she died about two seasons ago would be weird. But I fear what might've happened to her, given how short a period of time it took them to torture G'Kar in horrible ways. I can but hope she wasn't important enough to them for public humiliations, at least. :/

Well, he dreams about her death, so it's not that funny. But it sounds like he means something else at first and her expression at that is.


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