I am sorry this isn't the best image of my boy Ziggy but it is the best I can find right now.
I am not in my right mind, I am stricken with terrible grief right now.
I have not stopped crying since the vet told me the terrible news.
Let me try to back up and have this all make sense....
Two days ago I noticed my baby boys eyes were crusted shut, I cleaned them and he took his peanut and ran off. Last night when I went to take him out his nose was running and he had goopy stuff running out of his mouth. He played but wouldn't eat or drink. He ran around and stuff so I thought, good whatever he has I have caught it early enough. I brought him to the Vet today and they offered antibiotics but told me that he would probably die anyway, over night his lungs just filled up with fluids and my baby Ziggies kidneys are probably shutting down. He was just swaying back and forth.
I didn't want to prolong his suffering so I chose to put him down but he fought it off. His little heart kept going strong long after his lungs stopped breathing. That made me feel guilty, but I know what I did for him was right. I just don't think he wanted to leave me yet.
He was the best hamster from the moment we got him. He would sit in your lap and cuddle. He loved to have his belly rubbed. I can't stop crying so I am going to close this for now.
I will miss Ziggy terribly.
Burying him was the worse thing I have had to do in a long time.
Good bye my Angel.... I am sorry I couldn't save you.