Jul 23, 2006 23:20
So last nights entry was definitely warranted.
I burnt up at 3:30PM and learned alot about heat sickness.
1. You don't know your tolerance for heat until you have passed it.
2. Once you have passed your boundary, you will continue to get sicker despite the fact that you are cooled off.
I went downstairs and took a half hour shower. To no avail. What started as cramps on the way down to the showers turned into a headache, dizzy spells, and nauscia one hour later. I took another half hour shower to combat it. again to no avail.
I drove home at 6PM after consulting with my bosses. When I arrived home, I couldn't move. The guys from the ambulance had to lift me out of my car. I cramped so bad that they had to hold me up.
2 liters of saline, some blood work and lots of pee later, I am home.
My wife was a BRICK. She called the ambulance, she sat with me the whole time, she was strong, and she didn't lose it. Not even halfway, not even once. I would have been a blubbering idiot if the rolls were reversed. I love her.
Don't get hot......ever.