Everyone Loves Mike a photo by
halogencat on Flickr.
Did I mention lately that I love my family? Morgan was too busy sitting in my lap to be in the picture, but everyone was piled into a couple of square feet on the floor. Just hanging out with Danger.
The animals have accepted Danger, and all three of them "groom" him at least once a day. He doesn't seem to mind the dogs licking his face, though I always have to wash him off after. Danger doesn't much care for Frankie licking his hair though. Maybe he doesn't like her rougher tongue?
Today, Danger's favorite thing is when I sing "If You're Happy and You Know It". He stares suspiciously at my hands when they clap, but then grins and giggles. He also likes it when we dance together. This is great fun for the first 40 minutes or so, but then I wish the demanding one would let me sit down.
The neighbors got a new Swiss Mountain Dog puppy this week. Danger and I may go over to see if we can play with her later.