The Recriminations of Ryan Lochte...

Aug 21, 2016 23:20

Seriously, NBC, a whole half-hour interview? Who even wants to see that?

Expecting reason from TV Journalism these days is like trying to walk your dog past the remains of a dead squirrel:

You: Leave it!
Media/Dog: *drops down and rolls in the mess* *comes to you for pets*

It's the tail end of a busy weekend here-11 pm, and I'm still winding up chores before work tomorrow. It was our son's birthday (our daughter's was a week ago), so there was a lot of time devoted to cleaning and shopping and cake-decorating. I'll need a back pill tonight-I feel as if I've been standing up all day, which is not far from the truth. And next weekend I'll be in Oregon visiting family, so the push to get things settled beforehand at home and work is pretty intense.

But for now, courtesy of our son, I leave you with the kind of thing I probably shouldn't laugh at, but can't help myself. Our son says this is how his interactions with the cat sometimes feel: Boy, knock that off!

And let me just say, for the record... fully justified. ;)

my_kids, humor, recs-vids, random, recs-humor

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