
Jul 08, 2015 13:42

Starting to feel edgy due to not bicycling since last Friday. Restless! I rode the gym bike yesterday for over an hour, and that place is so hot that my shirt was wringable afterwards. Yuck. Also, the seat-tilt is non-adjustable, so I not only feel as if I'm slowly sliding downhill, my tailbone goes numb. HOW much longer? New parts aren't due to arrive at the bike shop for a few more days as it is. *chews fist*

The day after the whole incident, bruises popped up everywhere in places that didn't even hurt! Wish I could cover them up, but it's too hot for pants or long sleeves, so they're attracting some attention at work. Most people correctly guess that falling off the bike was involved. Some of them have probably had similar injuries over the years. :O

Speaking of bruisable things, a poll:

Poll Poll-poll, bo-boll, banana-fanna fo-foll...

And for my current obsession, let me point you to this outstanding Walter/Jesse Breaking Bad story:

Classless, by porkchop_sandwiches. Mostly early S3 (so watch for spoilers), hot and wry and funny and angsty and fabulous. Both characters are really well-written, in this under-canon plot that feels both possible and true. Don't worry about the first chapter, I promise you'll be safe. :)

Okay, back to work. Poking registers, reviewing code-changes, and wishing the hydra-like bug situation would just roll over and die already. Sucks to be the middleman between hardware and testers. /o\

recs-fanfic, poll, recs, me, cycling, random

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