Hero 30 ~V~ [Video/Action] BACKDATED to about a week or so ago...

Sep 06, 2011 23:50

[Right off the bat, the video feed opens up with Sudowoodo Crossing and that thrice-damned "tree." ... and Hero, who looks like hell. A bit frayed around the edges, a bit sleep-deprived, and he's even got a bit of a five o' clock shadow on his face. His Shelgon's standing by his side, pawing the ground as he stares down that bloody Sudowoodo-ish thing.]

Alright. I'll bite. Time's just about run out anyway, and that crazy deadline's not going to go anywhere-

[Hero runs a hand through his hair and lets out a breath- and then he jabs a finger at THAT TREE.]

... how many levels do you need to get past that thing? I've been fighting wild Pokemon endlessly, but I'm not even close to that thing's level. Or- wait. do I need fight some monster for some... some anti-tree weapon? An enchanted axe? Gardening shears? A neverending torch of burning? A green flyswatter?

[Hero stops blabbing and runs a hand down his face.]

I'd appreciate any sort of help on this problem. Been driving me nuts for days.

!ic, !location; sudowoodo crossing, level grinding forever, bloody stakes

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