
Mar 29, 2020 18:00

(Updated 03/29/11)


HORSE PONY | Rapidash ♀| Ability: Run Away (RUN AWAAAAAAAAAY)
Nature: Naughty | Somewhat Vain
Level: 45
Met At: New Bark Town (Starter)
Notes: Horse PONY is vain, flighty, stubborn, and EXTREMELY spirited, often finding as many ways to make Hero's life as difficult as possible. Thankfully, due to the Hero's long partnership with the Time Goddess, he's totally used to it. The one thing that Pony and Hero see eye-to-eye on is that they both like to run really, really fast, albeit for different reasons: Pony likes showing off, and Hero likes being time-efficient. Now that Pony allows Hero to ride on her back, well... life's looking up for him!

BAT | Golbat ♂| Ability:
Nature: Bold | Somewhat Vain
Level: 43
Met At: Cherrygrove City (Egg obtained from Killua)
Notes: Bat spends more time preening than actually fighting, and doesn't particularly enjoy dirtying himself with such things as physical contact and rough-and-tumble play. Aloof in the manner of a lord overseeing his subjects, Bat prefers to hang back and pepper his opponent with non-contact moves. When he deigns to acknowledge Hero's presence, it's only when Bat himself wants something from his trainer, like food or healing.

DRAGON | Bagon ♂| Ability: Rock Head
Nature: Adamant | Proud of its power
Level: 25
Met At: Violet City (Egg obtained from Easter Event)
Moves + Dragon Dance
Notes: If there's one thing Dragon wants to do... it's to fly. To that end, the little Bagon will climb everything and anything in his quest to kiss the sky, and absolutely nothing will stop him! If Dragon has a personality beyond that, Hero has yet to discover it.


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