Drama drama drama I tell ya. Well unfortunately, just as in real life, things didn't work out as plan leaving poor Ben to a long arduous path to single parenthood. I guess only time will tell how things work out.
Under The Cut!
Me: This is Mercedes after she aged up. Adorable! She has Fatima's dark hair (hey her root color was brown) and her fathers lovely blue eyes.
Mercedes: But Daaaaaad!
Ben: You have to go to bed Desi, daddy needs a break -_-;;
Me: And this is little Sophia. Cute and neurotic as ever :D She has so many of Fatima's features but obviously she has Ben's hair color. Twins and yet completely opposite.
Babysitter: Oh for god sakes Sophia for the fifth time the block is yellow not red.
Babysitter: And not only is it yellow but it goes in this space here.
Sophia: Can't......take...the pressure....
Ben: There there my little Phia the blocks can't hurt you now.
Sophia: Thank you da da.
Ben: Food timez!
Me: Ahh Ben how far you've come. From Sexitimez to foodtimez!
Mercedes: Sweet soupy goodness...
Sophia: Nom nom nom
Evil Babysitter: This is gonna be a pay cut.
Babysitter: Oh god! Put it out! Put it out!
Fireman: Do you see me on fire here?!?!
Fireman: Finally the flames are dying out.
Evil Babysitter: Quick now clean it up before the boss gets back!
Evil Babysitter: All right all right ya brats i'm getting you food just be quiet!
Sophia: Where is my daddy?
Mercedes: Lady that is messed up why does she get cereal and I don't?!
Evil Babysitter: Shut up god I can't stand the whining!
Me: Like any good father Ben came home to that madness, promptly fired that woman and went about his way to a new home.
Mercedes: Do I get to eat food at the new house Daddy?
Ben: You sure do sweetheart.
Me: And this is the new house. It's farther from work and completely across town from the old house so hopefully the can finally get to start from anew.
Me: Ben took some time off for the girls and raised them properly himself.
Ben: Alright Sophia you can do it!
Ben: A little more..
Ben: All right great job!
Me: And Ben even gets his own little out door getaway in the backyard at the patio table.
Ben: Here I can clip coupons in peace :DDDD
Me: Ben still has to deal with the nightmares that Sophia has about Fatima, but slowly they are working through it.
Ben: There are a few things you just need to know about.
It sucks but it must be done to achieve your goals in life.
Ben: Another thing that is important
It can enhance just about any flavor of any food!
Mercedes: Chicken? Really? I must know about that?
Ben: And the most important thing is to
Mercedes: Got it!
Ben: Must...get....muscles....
Sophia: Hey daddy I wanna work at the spa just like you!
Ben: That's nice Phia...
Ben: But daddy is gonna be a cop so he can keep you girls on the straight and narrow!
Ben: I swear . I don't get any love notes, no coupons, no junk mail, just bills bills bills.
Mercedes: Hey dad I'ma getcha!
Ben: Ha! I got youuuuu!!!
Ben: This damn tv it's probably works 3 days before it blows up.
Ben: Happy Birthday!
Ben: And you too Sophia!
Sophia: Oh daddy your a silly goose!
Me: Whoa, why the sour face watermelon?
Me: Little angels....until they open their eyes.
Ben: This damn toilet, now that I can upgrade your never gonna break on me again! Mwahhahaha
Me: O_O Ben you need to get out more....>____>
Sophia: The windows...must board up the windows....
Me: Ahh teamwork.
Me: Teamwork they can haz it.
Sophia: The dishwasher! The loud, buzzing, doom impending dishwasher!
Mercedes: La la la la making muffins.
Sophia: Mercedes! Don't you hate the dishwasher too?
Mercedes: *turns* Yes! I hate it too!
Me: Freaky....
Sophia: Mercedes. Don't you think this bus driver is very suspicious?
Mercedes: Yes, I do believe he is.
Me: Very Children of The Corn these two are...
Ben: Ahh family time well spent together right girls..
Sophia+Mercedes: Yes father..
Me: Isn't it a little...dark to have the girls out for family time?
Sophia: What the deuce is this little fish?
Ben: Here ya go Sophia your first pet :DDD
Me: Really? A poisonous jellyfish?
Me: So the girls headed into town for a nice eating contest meanwhile...
Me: Why the sad face chum?
Ben: It's been so long since...since....
Me: You had sexitimez?
Ben: Yes...How I miss it soooo.
Me: I'll see what I can muster up.
Me: Don't say that I never do anything for ya...
Ben: Thankies :DDD
Camo-pants: Oh god it's that Kem family with the Children of The Corn twins!!!
Ben: So are you seeing anyone else? Your single?
Ben: Wanna go for a drink or three??
Me: Granted technically it's been sometime since you've had a "partner" but don't you think your moving a bit fast?
Me: Maybe you should stay out of the fast lane aye? Ben?
Ben: So do you like sushi?
Me: Ben are you listening?
Me: Your parenting skills are lacking when you come home and your children have put themselves to bed!
Ben: So June your smell more lovely then a rose.
June: Oh Ben that's so sweet.
June: Let's make-out!
June+Ben: OmNomNom
Me: Like you weren't expecting it.
Ben: June, I don't really want this to be a one night thing. I really care about you and your feelings...and what not.
Me: He almost had it there.
June: Well what do we do now Ben?
Ben: June would you be my girlfriend?
June: I'm not sure this is gonna work out Ben.
Ben: Please just stay the night and be with me.
June: Okay, I think we can make this work if we both try. And I'll stay with you too.
Me: And the slept, cuddled, and snored all night long.
Me: Till the dawn when June would awaken to find herself all alone in the cold bed because....
~*He'll save your ass, and then bed your ass ladies*~
Note: Yeah I know this update was relatively boring because it was all about Ben being a single dad and trying to work through his loneliness and heartache. But hey. that how life is sometimes. See you guys next time!