Go vote in the advisory board elections

May 22, 2008 20:20

If you haven't already, you should all go vote in the LJ advisory board elections. My recommendation is legomymalfoy. I saw her a lot back when I was active in LiveJournal support and she was very active in support and in userdoc, based on her userinfo, it looks like she still is.

Well, back to my book and final procrastination. I've gotta finish this thing by tomorrow so I can take it back to the Chico library before I move out of Chico. I'm going to miss my little apartment when I have to move out, it's treated me fairly well. Needs a few tuneups, but then, so do I. Heck, for that matter, I'll miss Chico itself. Part of what I'm going to be missing is my independence, but it's not just that. I'll find a job in a month or two in Monterey, I'm sure. But I like Chico. I may find a job I like in Monterey, but that's rather beside the point as I don't really want to live in Monterey any more. Ah well, it'll give me motivation to find a job some place I do want to live, or a means to that job, like grad school.

Still can't believe I've only been in Bidwell Park three times after having lived just a fifteen minute walk away from it for two years. Oh well, I got a two and a half hour walk in the other day, I guess that counts for something.
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