Graduation Day

May 24, 2008 22:01

Yesterday, I finished my finals, finally. I ended up redoing the question I wasn't wild about the first time through, which didn't take me too long thankfully, then turning in the last of my finals for my Strategic Issues class. And then, a couple hours later, my relatives started arriving. We went out to Sierra Nevada Brewery for dinner last night, they said it'd be about an hour and fifteen minute wait for dinner, but it was really more like two hours. Much waiting abounded, but it was good food, and good company. At that point, my aunt and uncle from San Francisco were here, as well as my grandmother, and my parents, and my sister.

Then today was graduation day itself. I ended up getting to the field a lot later than I was supposed to show up; I was supposed to arrive at 8 AM, but I didn't end up leaving my apartment until about 8:20 or so, and it was a fifteen minute walk. Renee probably ended up getting to the field before I did. The ceremony wasn't going to start until 9 AM though, so I wasn't late to that, and there was waiting around before I went on to the field where the audience was even with me showing up rather late.

Renee stayed from about 8:20 this morning when she arrived at my apartment until 4:20 PM when she headed back to San Jose for fanime. It was great to see her again, that August get together seems like it was eons ago. I'm making a mental note to write down the dates she said she'd be in Monterey on my calendar from that AIM conversation several days ago on my calendar so we can get together again.

Anyway, it was a bit of a crazy day. We had the graduation until um...11:30 maybe? Perhaps it ended earlier, I don't know what time we got out of there. Then we went to lunch after wandering through the BMU for a little while, we managed to get in the earlier time slot even though we originally had a 1 PM table scheduled. Then my sister had to the airport for her Lightning in a Bottle festival, so Elsa and David gave, my aunt and uncle, gave her a ride. At this point, we had broken up from lunch and some people went back to the hotel, while Renee and I went to my apartment for a little while.

I had called Professor Sandoe while he was at lunch since he wanted to meet my parents but couldn't make it to graduation. Come to think of it, I'm not sure my parents ended up meeting any of my other teachers at graduation, we kinda just left right after. There were a lot of people graduating, so it was a fairly long ceremony and people just wanted to leave by then. Or at least it felt long. So that meeting was from 2:30 to 3:30 with Professor Sandoe at Peet's Coffee with my parents, Renee, and David and Elsa.

I just hung out at my apartment for a little while after Renee left, and then, at 6 PM, everyone who was still here came over to my apartment for dinner. I invited several friends, but Daniel ended up being the only one who made the dinner party. That lasted until about 9 PM, with Daniel leaving a bit before then, and at that time, everyone else went to the hotel. We're going to end up giving Daniel my couch tomorrow since he's not graduating yet and one of his roommates is moving and taking their couch in a week, so we asked him if he needed it, and he checked with his roommates and they said they'd like to have the couch, so he's going to come over at noon tomorrow to help us move the couch over to his place. I was originally thinking we might leave Chico on Tuesday, but with the couch gone tomorrow, dad's idea of leaving earlier sounds appealing since the apartment is frankly a lot less comfortable without the couch in my opinion.

It's been kind of a crazy day, but lots of fun. Many thanks to Renee for coming all the way up here from San Jose, I appreciated it and enjoyed seeing you again. I guess my parents and grandmother had a longer drive, but that's different since they're expected to come to this sort of thing since they're family. It's been a crazy ride getting my bachelor's degree, for that matter. Yes, I'll definitely miss Chico, but I'm ready to be done with my bachelor's degree and this major.

Well, I suppose I should go finish my last book from the Chico Library before my couch disappears tomorrow afternoon.
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