All my substantial finals are finished

May 22, 2008 17:20

Well, almost finished. I finished typing up the answers to my Strategic Issues final just now, but I can't upload them until noon tomorrow when we have the official final time.

There's one more final remaining tomorrow morning that's for my Project Design class. It's at 8 AM. My dad and I have a term for this. He and I and one of his friends walk a lot on the trails behind my parental units' house. We call the last hill before the downhill portion the final insult. I'd say that an 8 AM final the day before graduation definitely qualifies as the final insult.

However, this 8 AM final at least deserves its time slot. I was rather annoyed about all the 8 AM classes this semester, but at least an 8 AM final that goes with an 8 AM class makes some sense. All those 8 AM common finals we had earlier for 2 PM classes were just retarded. I don't think people are any less likely to cheat in common finals than in regular ones, which was their rationale for having so many of them. But oh well.

In less than twenty four hours, I'll be done with all my undergraduate finals. In less than twenty four hours, I'll be on my way to having a bachelors of science.

What a relief. Now all I have to do is avoid sleeping through my 8 AM final like I slept through my 8 AM presentation, haha. Fortunately, now I have had enough practice with the sleeping pills that I know exactly how to take them so they'll help me and not screw me over. It ended up being a three tries is a charm sort of thing.

Turns out all I needed to do was take the one half dose instead of a full pill. That and follow the directions about not eating before taking it. Who knew that following direcions could actually be useful?

Now for a break before I do my project evaluation. That, at least, will be a fun essay to write.
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