Do you feel like a man? when you push her around..

Apr 14, 2007 01:47

Do you feel better now? she falls to the ground.
[Face Down in the dirt, she said, this doesn't hurt]

so... kind of depressing news..
my oldest cat.. who happens to be like 15 in human years..
it going to die soon.. she's verrry skinny.. and the weight has been lost in *this year*
she used to be a fat ass ;)
anyway.. it makes me really sad.. cause she was there through everything.. the moves to diff states.. my father, my mom's boyfriends.. and it just really really sucks.
i mean i love my baby cats, but we haven't been through much together yet.. so its not the same.

in other news... work SUCKED tonight..
i was on dish and.. well lets just say we've had the third biggest rush since the store OPENED
effin friday 13th.
i got a rash or some shit cause the soap we use is CORROSIVE
you'd think they'd be smarter than that right?? haha. NO
i work tomorrow too.. and i have hannigan gallipault tomorrow too.. [it's a lacrosse tournament for all schools in the area]
and it goes on alllllll day.
so i've decided before i go to that.. im going on a run. and then to panera. and then to hannigan and THEN back to work..
and i swear to GOD if i'm on dish again I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF.
i get a new PHONE tomorrow!!! hopefully same ##... cause if its not.. i'll cry.
nut chea.. ok now to do those quiz thingy's i promised
night all..
[although its 2:00 AM]
oh.. and elisa!!

casey, hannigan, lax, work

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