she baang

Apr 13, 2007 16:17

Some quotes to remember..
and, sorry i've been non existent.. in like doing the quiz thingy.. i promise to do them tomorrow at the latest.. i just have to go to work... love all!!!

just because her eyes don't tear
d o e s n ' t , mean her heart ; ;
doesn't cry . & just because she
comes off strong doesn't mean
there's nothing w r o n g * ' x3

Walk like you are the stuff,
Talk like you know it all,
Laugh like you've never laughed before,
Love like you wont ever love again,
& Live your life like no one can beat you down.

do you remember when we were just children?
little people that played with barbies and got in moms makeup,
without a care in the world.
but now we have grown to teenagers,
and we have this idea that we all must wear makeup to be beautiful
and all we ever care about is boys and the latest trends.
i miss being a child again<3

guess the winter makes you
laugh a little slower, makes you talk a little
lower about the things you couldn't
show him, and it's been a long December,
and there's reason to believe,
maybe this year will be better than the last.
- Counting Crows :: A Long December

What’s worse....
Saying something you wish you hadn’t...
Or not saying something you wish you had?

Everything comes to an end eventually.
Be content with what you have,
because you don't know how soon
it will leave you

i've been a few places,
Mostly here and there once or twice;
Still sorting out life, but I'm doing alright

Friends are the ones that know the song in your heart
and can sing it to you when you've forgotten the words.

Dry your eyes
Clear your mind
you just have to take it
One day at a time
Dust off your heart
take it off the shelf
you have to remember
to love yourself

If someone tells you "it will be okay" it's because
it's tearing them up inside to see you torn apart

faith is believing in something when
common sense tells you not to

work, quotes

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