Souvenir=memories of cheap plastic

Mar 29, 2007 18:18

Hey all, just on the souvenir note, the consensus seems to be just getting a souvenir is fine. "If you really want to get me that fabregé egg, that's up to you." So I'll be getting little things for you guys.

I went to a soccer game! France vs Austria and France won 1-0. The most fun was being in the crowd and having a massive wave. People were throwing paper airplanes, blowing airhorns, shouting. Definitely fun, though I forgot my ticket before entering the stadium and had to go all the way across Paris to get it. I missed maybe 30 min, which sucked, but I did see the one goal.

So, that's it for now. I'm actually going to have to do homework this week before a trekalicious spring break.
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