May 26, 2011 15:08
Hi y'all!!
Sorry I've been abseent for a few days but...jdisater struck. No worries, no one got hurt except for my poor glasses. I was cleaning them and snapola, the broke right down the middle. Ugh!!! So I had to go hunting for my old pair, which is like two years old and as my prescription has changed well...they work fine for far away but up close the kind of suck. Right now I am typing this sitting about as close as I can get to the screen without sitting on top of my desk. I see you guys posted stuff but, trying to read the small letters kinda hurts my eyes. As strastruck would say, I am gutted!!! :(
I want you all to know I miss you guys and have not abandoned you. hopefully when I get my new glasses nextt week I'll be able to read what y'all posted and comment.
In the meanwhile, hope everyone has a wonderful three day weekend (for those of you in the States)!!