Why is it that we always want what we can't have? And if we do get it, its never quite what we thought it would be?
I wonder if I am selfish and self centered and if I really can't see beyond what matters to me.
I hate that I have to work so hard and yet I can't see myself getting anywhere in this freaking job.
I want to be happy, I do. So why can't I be happy?
Can thinking bad things about people really rebound on you?
Do I really want to have children? Can I take care of a child when I can't take of myself half the time?
I am I boring?
I fucking hate clothes shopping!!!
Why can't someone love me?
Why does it seem like I never have enough money?
Ever get a song stuck in your head and when you sing it, you know the words are wrong but you keep singing it that way?
Why the fuck do we spend so much time on our cell phones.
Sex dreams, normal or perversion?
Why the flying furry monkeys couldn't Pepe Le Pew figure out all those "lady skunks" were actually female cats with white paint on their backs?
Am I prejudice because I like talking to my family in Spanish when I'm around people I know won't be able to understand me?
When is fantasizing about punching someone in the face skirting the edge of creepiness?
Do you ever wonder what would happen if you just disappeared one day? Would you be missed? Would people talk about you?
Why can't I tell me RL friends half the stuff I tell you guys and why am I scared that if I ever met any of you in person then you wouldn't want to be my friends anymore?
Why am I fat?