These Romans are Crazy

Nov 18, 2011 22:42

Sometimes I really do run into situations that are so beyond my comprehension that something can just snap inside.

Let's look at "work ethics".

This is where I have to grant that when I was younger, this wasn't perfect either. I could be know to either totally "depress and zone out" in cases of bad depression. Or over-indulge to excess in wyld situations to the determent of my duties. But that was when I was younger. Lucky and to my own fortune that has been no longer the case for quite some time.

Lately though I am running more and more into a "lazy work ethic".

According to my boss it's the difference between "civilians and military". Problem is I know a good trooper knows when to slack and how hard they can push it. Maybe the difference is we don't quite do it so blatantly. ;-)

Then there's the whole "Albertan vs. Ontario" argument. Now this is getting into some very regional waters. People comment that they much prefer hiring people from Ontario because "They appreciate the job and work at it." They infer from that since Ontario has become such the "Have NOT" province...yeah still have trouble accepting that...that they are grateful to have the job. While Albertans are lazy bums that just "get by" because it is always easy for them to get the next job.

Yeah...the "minor hiccup" in the economy thanks to pretty much the rest of the world being wait let's rephrase that. The Greedy Corporate institutions destroying the economic model in an orgy of greed, yeah much better. Anyway it showed Alberta that the Boom Times could stop, and jobs get hard to find. Problem is that stopped out here about a year ago and we're ramping back into boom. Mind you it's not a perfect boom as this time there might be plenty of jobs, but not everyone is biting at them as quite a few just are not offering "enough".

What is "enough"?

you know what, I'll table that for another rambling train of thought.

But back to topic, work ethic.

This week not one but four people around me "suddenly got ill". So once more the burden fell to the "fireman" to carry the lot. Problem was I already was working while actually ill, so it struck me "damned odd" that this was happening. I grant...if you really are so ill that you can't move or are incapacitated, yes, get aid and rest. But if it is just because "ach-choo" or even worse, yeah I really don't have much sympathy at all there. That this meant that the first day in over a month where I might actually get home to tuck my daughter into bed was going to get stolen away...yeah SO not happening.

It led to a whole "Whatever happened to working hard?" introspective. A lot of deeper thought came to it...motivation. Those who are highly motivated do tend to have strong work ethics, and if you aren't motivated quite frankly you don't want to be there.

There are a lot of levels that motivation can take on. The best is when you sincerely love your work, the people around you, and you are fairly compensated for it. That is the ideal.

I think the problem in a lot of the world is that's really not happening a lot. Granted, you may love your work...or you might only be doing it because you really need the money...any money. Maybe you like the people around you...or you wish they'd all go walk off a cliff. And let's face it, a hard fact of the last 30 years is that the vast majority of people out there are NOT getting fairly compensated at all.

There Once Was a Dream...I think the hard fact is the world one day "woke up" and realized that at some point that Dream became exactly that, a dream, and not an obtainable goal. Somehow we've slipped back into an almost Feudal society more than ever.

The People are not the Problem...though Education certainly is. Likely why more than ever I am saving for my daughter's future education, I want her to have a fighting chance without the staggering and crippling debt to go with it.

Yeah, I am starting to see what really happened at work that day. Lack of Motivation. And after a lot more deeper thought on it, I think I see why too. And now find it really hard to blame them.
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