We have never been Forgotten

Nov 11, 2011 06:30

I do try to limit what I say a bit here when it comes to work or certain legal issues, either out of a strange respect of privacy, or because we just don't want the bastards to see it coming.

On this day and why though, I will make an exception.

On November 10th the nature of some of my work meant I arrived at a McDonald's out here in Edmonton Alberta in order to complete some needed repairs. This was right at the beginning of the morning, so it just seemed to be the beginning of a busy day. Little did I know the sleigh ride that was going to begin.

McDonald's nation wide in Canada had quietly passed a "ban on poppies" to anyone working behind the counter. You can't wear one for the "alleged" reason that the pins are a safety and health hazard.

This day; as I arrived; they ask me to remove mine.


The owner; bless the lad; supported me and even told the head officer they could "go to hell as this is not nazi Germany." Yeah he wasn't happy either.

When I told my co-workers this, yeah they were understandably pissed. They then all agreed to make sure they wore their poppies as bold and as prominent as possible. My bosses upon hearing of the incident took a stand COMPLETELY in support of my position and even went so far as Insist that not only should we wear poppies, but if McDonald's refused to "Support those who served in the past and present, then we refuse to serve them now." Basically they gave us all a "Right of Refusal" in rebuttal.

Kinda nice and fuzzy feeling inside about that.

But oh dear readers, it gets better.

I ended up telling this tale to my local radio station out here in Edmonton. Up! 99.3 and let one of my beloved hosts hear about the heart stirring support of how my work was responding.

The outpouring of support from the listeners all over Edmonton and the North of Alberta that just flooded in evidently lighted the phone lines and emails and texts for HOURS. McDonald's little "quiet instruction" was No Longer Quiet. It got so bad they ended up being interviewed on the air by the host of the radio station...and getting pretty rude and ignoring her....so yeah that didn't go over so well.

Seeing, hearing (ironic that in my case lol) and being told about the outpouring of love, caring and respect over this issue makes one very warm and fuzzy that what the Poppy means to Canadians has Not; nor ever; been Forgotten.

Meanwhile I get to once more deal with the embarrassment of being the centre of a whirlwind of attention lol (insert facepalm here) I am almost dreading when I arrive down at the Legion Hall and then the pointing will start "Hey you're that guy who...". Manly tears, I insist they will be manly tears.

McDonald's learned a hard lesson that day. And I learned a wonderful one.

They Shall Never Be Forgotten.
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