Series 7 of Doctor Who

Jul 13, 2013 18:39

I'd been putting off watching series 7, not for any good reason, mostly just too busy. Still completely, completely adore Eleven, but my general interest in the show has waned since Moffat came on board. *shrug*

The show is fun, though! I still love watching it, even if I'm much less involved. Sort of wish that I could manage posting about episodes as a I watch because when I wait till the end to post, and then don't get around to it for a couple of weeks, I always forget all the things I wanted to say. booooo. And then I'm like, oh jeez, who cares anyway?? But yet, I post, because I can.

Asylum of the Daleks

Is Amy a model now? Daleks again. They're worse than the Borg. Important ep, I suppose, since it introduces Clara. I liked the mystery of who Oswin Oswald is exactly, but I'm not such a big fan of the cutesy dialogue. I know I'm alone in that, but it drove me nuts on Buffy, drove me nuts on The Gilmore Girls, drove me nuts on The West Wing, and continues to drive me nuts with Moffat's dialogue (couldn't stand Coupling after awhile). Sometimes it doesn't drive me totally nuts, though, like I seemed to be fine with it on The Avengers. Whatev. Still love Rory. I would marry Rory IN A HEARTBEAT. Seriously, if Amy doesn't want him, send him my way. But, she clearly does, she just likes to be flip about it, I guess.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

Oh right, this is the one with David Bradley. You know, can someone cast David Bradley as a happy, sweet and kindly granddad or something? He's just always creepy and evil (or creepy and dumb, as the case may be). Guess you can't go wrong with a title like "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship," like "Snakes on a Plane." Gives you the plot right there! No guessing what this episode is about. MR. WEASLEY!?! Add a Weasley? Automatic win. Loved Nefertiti. So random! But I do love the notion of the Doctor kidnapping random and famous and generally kickass historical women as companions.

A Town Called Mercy

Or, also known to me as the one where the Doctor rides a horse. :D Okay, friends, the one surefire way to make hafital fall (more) in love with your hero? Put him on a horse. And have him say, "No, I speak HORSE, and his name is Susan, and he's asked that you respect his choices." HAHAHAHA. Actually, the Doctor rode a horse in the Pandorica episodes, but that was odd and greenscreened. This time, at least Matt Smith really mounted, and jogged around a bit on horseback, although I'm fairly certain it was a stunt double who did the rollback, gallop off thing. Anyway, the horse named Susan was my fav bit of the episode, the rest of which, I was actually fairly lukewarm about.

The Power of Three

You know, they should have just gone ahead and made the Doctor/Amy/Rory an official threesome, but I guess this is as close as it gets. So, I found this episode a bit anti-climatic, but I loved the whole mystery at the beginning with the cubes appearing, and I loved the Doctor coming in and out of Amy and Rory's life. Is this the one where he kissed Rory, because I (naturally) loved that, and Rory's reaction. I *especially* loved the conversation the Doctor had with Rory's dad (MR. WEASLEY WHERE ARE YOUR WEASLEYS??). Matt Smith's contrast from manic and brilliant to quiet and sad are lovely and poignant and not as extreme as David Tennent's, but that's a good thing. DT was a bit ott most of the time, and when he pulled it down to normal decibels, you could finally see some acting. Matt's the same, just not as extreme. Love Matt Smith. Gonna miss him.

The Angels Take Manhattan

So, I'm completely confused by the Doctor's relationship (is it a real marriage? They play around like it is, but I'm so confused) with River. Does Moffat have a chart somewhere? Can he just post it so we can all see where we're at, because, as it stands right now, I could honestly care less about their romance, if it is a romance, because I can't make heads or tails of it. There's a lot of telling us and almost NO SHOWING. God, seriously, can we just have a Doctor/River episode that shows us what's so great about them being together? Why doesn't Moffat devote a special for just the two of them? They can have an adventure, but she's alway sharing space with the companion du jour and we just get these seriously irritating jokey hints and I'm kind of over it. With a special maybe I might give a fuck? huh? Can you tell this bothers me? I want to love River, and I mostly really admire her, but the Doctor and River is a clusterfuck of yowsas and sweeties and spoilers and it sucks, imo. And don't get me started on how River dies. Just don't. Other then that, I think Moffat should be forbidden from doing another Angels episode. And I didn't quite understand why the Doctor couldn't just pick up Amy and Rory from another part of the world and from another year? Although, I am inclined to handwave that sort of thing away, because, as Captain Janeway said, don't even try to figure out temporal paradoxes. haha. Um, I didn't hate the episode, but it was far from my favorite.

The Snowmen

Where is the spin-off with Vastra and Jenny and Strax fighting crime in Victorian England?? I need this to be a thing. Right now. It needs to have happened, yesterday. Richard Grant is another one that needs to be cast as a sweet gay best friend or a hapless but lovely dad or something. Although wasn't he the funny sexually repressed british boyfriend in L.A. Story? He was relatively uncreepy and mostly sweet in that film. Loved that movie. Loved Clara. I have a lot of complaints about Moffat but he does have a knack for taking completely mundane things like snow and making them pure evil.

The Bells of St. John

The TARDIS phone rang once before and confounded Nine in much the same way. The explanation of how Clara goes from unable to select her wifi network to internet hacking wiz rather eye-rolly, but whatever. I rather love Clara. I was expecting her to be more cutesy the way Oswin Oswald was, but she's much less that, and I appreciate her being more normal than not. Clara was the only thing I found much interesting about the episode...

The Rings of Akhaten

Except for the back story on Clara's mom and dad, I found this episode largely forgettable.

Cold War

This series was where all the Game of Thrones actors go for a break or something. haha. Doctor Who meets The Hunt for Red October! This episode was okay. Still love Clara. I love how she was all "um, that might have been a little more than I bargained for," but still keeps her shit together and does rather well, all in all.


WARREN COCHRANE! Omg, do you know who you ARE? WHERE'S DUNCAN?? I would have paid more attention to this episode if Dougray Scott hadn't been in it. Because I spent the entire time watching him and listening to his voice and pretty much was only half watching the rest of it. He should just be cast more often period, I don't care how you cast him, just get him on my TV more often, thank you. I had no issues with this episode. It was lovely, and still loved Clara, more and more. Loved the mystery, was a bit handwavey with the pocket universe thing whatever, but loved the fakeout with the monsters not really being evil but just wanting to get back to each other.

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

Found this episode a bit predictable, but I loved getting to see so much of the TARDIS and I loved Clara on her own in the TARDIS and reading the Doctor's history and knowing his name even though she doesn't (maybe) get to remember it.

The Crimson Horror

So, along with having the Doctor ride a horse, including Vastra, Jenny, and Strax in an episode will pretty much guarantee that I will be so happy to see them that I'll like the episode no matter what. I actually don't remember much of the plot... Something about dipping people into a big vat and some of them came out all red for some reason and then died. Oh right! The weird prehistoric bacteria or something and omg, the really creepy parasitic thing. And another actor from Game of Thrones... Yeah. Well, LOVED Jenny stripping off her dress and then being all corsetted bad ass. That seriously needs to happen in every episode.

Nightmare in Silver

Oh, Cybermen. The other Borg race. You know, I have no understanding of where we are in time and space in the Moffat years. This sometimes occurred with RTD (although to a lesser degree I think. He at least often told you the year and where we were and there was a sense of the scope of humanity) so I guess it's just a symptom of the silly doctor who universe that has no actual basis in reality whatsover. I think I'm spoiled with Star Trek... I noticed this with the Dinosaur episode. Where were we? Who are these humans? Are they this time period, which time period? Are they human or do they just look human?? I don't know! Whatever. Loved Emperor Porridge. Loved Clara. Was not overly impressed with Gaiman's script *ducks*. Thought the whole thing made no sense, and the conflict was resolved rather casually.

The Name of the Doctor

Oh, they have a name! The Paternoster Gang! So this episode really tests my previous statement that an ep only need include Vastra and Jenny and Strax (the Paternoster Gang!) and I would love it. I didn't hate it, but I was a little confused... And then River was there, but apparently this is dead!River and not the River we've been seeing (if out of order) in all the episodes since the Library. Whatever. I did actually love River and the Doctor here and their "marriage" (I seriously hope she's at least getting some fantastic sex out of it. Because otherwise, man, did she get a raw deal.), where there was a little bit more of an honest to goodness scene between them and some more real communication and relationship (whatever the relationship really is) stuff. She knows and understands him (although HOW does she? Seriously, we've never seen them actually talk or hang out or do anything!!!! ARGH. We're just told she does know him. Whatever. I'll drive myself crazy if I keep at it) Also, Jenny almost died and that sucked. No hurting Jenny!! Not allowed! I love the mystery about the Doctor and his name and this secret that's been discovered, and then random John Hurt at the end. I mean, I don't understand any of it, but that's all right. I'm a bit unsure about Clara having been saving all the Doctors (Save All The Doctors?? Save all the Doctors!!) mostly because that's a massive retcon that my brain just isn't going to swallow, and I'm not sure I care for Clara being unrecognized for all those years. I really love Clara and if she's been saving the Doctor for a thousand years it shouldn't be in the shadows. sigh. But, it's a nice mystery, and I'm all for more unveiling of the Doctor. I sincerely hope this secret is like, a real secret, and not some fake out.

And, that's all she wrote. Gah, who knew I had all that to say! lol.

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