what is, what was, what can't be

Aug 19, 2013 19:40

Here I am with another quick update for you, my most dearest of friends. All you VVC folks, I thought of you all weekend! And knew you were all having a great time and that made me happy. I actually bought a supporting membership, so I'm looking forward to receiving a shiny new DVD.

Unfortunately, there isn't much of fun below the cut, although it's nothing too dire.

In no particular order:

~We all thought Dad wouldn't be with us for much longer, quickly declining and becoming being skeleton-thin and but it seems that his foggy brain was mostly a result of the pain killers he was on, and although he is bedridden and still bone thin, he isn't in a hurry to leave us.

~My mother was supposed to have gall bladder surgery today, but it got canceled last minute by the anesthesiologist due to my mother having brain aneurysms about ten years ago. Her doctors had been informed of this, but apparently, while they weren't concerned with it, the anesthesiologist was, and he wanted more knowledge of the state of her brain before putting her under. So, she's getting an MRI and seeing a neurosurgeon, and we'll go from there.

~Except that none of these people realize how close my mother was to canceling the surgery herself! All the way up to Saturday, she wasn't certain she was going to go through with it. She's had constant pain for I don't even know how long now, which goes to prove that she would rather live with it than do the procedure. Being a student and doctor of chinese and eastern medicine practices, it goes against her entire philosophy. But then she decided to go ahead only to have it be canceled! UGH. So of course she's back to saying it was fate or something and maybe she won't have the surgery after all. I can't even...

~Not sure what I can report about sister-girl. She emailed me that she was upset with me because a) I don't seem to care and b) I wouldn't let her read my novel (which is in the middle of serious edits, so no one's reading it but my editor and I), and c) shared more of her issues about my mother. I replied as detachedly as I could. Of course I care, but I got a lot going on over here.

~Best friend S had a little girl baby, who is the cutest baby, and is also the embodiment of the kind of baby the Hungry Tiger wanted to eat but wouldn't let himself eat because he would just be hungry again afterwards.

~I was supposed to do a Big Scary Thing for work this week in front of a judge-like person, representing a legal matter, but it's about 95% certain it will settle beforehand. I am relieved.

~Other than the above, everything else is pretty great around here. It all seems a bit overwhelming when I write it all down, and I frankly am often about ready to wash my hands of them all! But, but for the most part my life is pretty awesome, so it's all good. My friends are all so wonderful, supportive and I can always complain to them and they pet me and hand me a beer. Can't get much better than that. It is what it is.

~Writing and horses save my sanity.

In more fannish news...

I went to see Pacific Rim, without realizing it had giant robots and giant lizards in it.... And well, Nathan is all grown up! Mostly I thought the film was a bit exhausting, but good fun. Not at all fannish about it. My biggest complaint, though, is why weren't there any girl/girl teams? wtf.

Then, I also went to watch World War Z, which was super stressful omg! I was basically a pretzel the entire time watching. I liked this film better than Pacific Rim, but it kind of fell apart for me a little at the end, but still, it was pretty cool.

I finished all of Fringe, which was great. I was worried when Peter put that tech thing in his neck! Yikes. It seemed Peter might really the first Observer or something horrific like that, but thankfully that wasn't he case at all! Very glad we got to see the alternate world once again. Glad September got to be normal human.

I also watched all of Game of Thrones, which... I don't know. Am I the only one that has major issues with GoT? Not really enjoying it.

I also started watching Xena on Netflix, which I had never really watched before outside of an episode here or there. It's totally ridiculous, which I knew going in, and you know, mostly I find it a bit of a chore to keep watching actually, but I do love Xena and Gabrielle and they're not-really-text-but-more-than-subtext relationship. It's funny watching all those New Zealand actors popping up right and left...

Tumblr has me almost caving on doing an X-Files rewatch. I've resisted so far... But you know what they say about resistance.

Still happy rewatching Star Trek: Voyager. This show is like a warm, fuzzy blanket. My love for Janeway has pretty much exploded and I'm not sorry. Back in the day, although I always loved her, I wasn't really into reading J/C but now I find myself reading J/C babyfic and god help me WANTING MORE. Yes. Which is only outshone in my desire for Janeway/Paris babyfic, which god help me I WANT EVEN MORE and there's far fewer of it although there is some. Now you know my secret and can judge me accordingly. And although there is one or two J/C/P fics out there, no one has written the fic of my heart. SADNESS.

Aside from controlling my raging star trek voyager addiction, I find myself STILL thinking about the Fast and the Furious films. So far, they've been my favorite thing this summer. I did finally get to see Tokyo Drift, which was a better film than I thought it would be, although the thing that I DO NOT WANT was a harsh reminder at the end. :( I'm too lazy to do another cut tag, but I leave you with this image: Han and Gisele.

FYI, I think Sung Kang is obscenely good looking. Like, holy smokes, mister, do something about that because you're blinding.

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the fast and the furious franchise, movies, fringe, st: voy, xena warrior princess, star trek, real life

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