Ultimate Star Trek Asks

Jun 23, 2013 21:16

Procrastination! YES.

I saw this on my tumblr dash but I have no idea how one is supposed to respond to this type (or really any type) of meme on tumblr so I'm doing it here instead. This is exactly the type of meme I love to answer because sometimes months or years later when you look back and see your answers you're like "omg why did I answer Pulaski for every question?? what was I thinking?" haha.

Um. This is long. And I may not have an answer for each of these. My memories of DS9 are murky, at best.

1. Describe your ideal holodeck program.

Probably reanacting any one of the Jane Austen novels. OR (in addition to) a really good, realistic horse barn/training barn program with lessons, all disciplines but jumping primarily, and with full safety protocols. But that's not a story, naturally. Not that I've spent any time thinking about this, or anything...

2. Would you most likely be found at Ten Forward, Quark's, or the mess hall?

YES. (Wouldn't that depend on which ship/station I'm on??)

3. Which planet would you make your home?


4. Which non-Federation species would you like to be?

... I don't know!

5. Favorite TOS quote?
6. Favorite TNG quote?
7. Favorite DS9 quote?
8. Favorite VOY quote?

Tony Todd Hirogen: I once tracked a silicon-based life-form through the neutronium mantle of a collapsed star.

Tom Paris: I once tracked a mouse through Jeffries tube 32.

Chakotay: *rolly-eyed glare*

9. Favorite ENT quote?
10. Which character would you clash with the most?

Aww, I'd get along with everyone.

11. What would be the best part about living on a starship/space station?

The replicators!

12. Best captain?

I've had a different answer for this at different times. Today it is Captain Janeway.

13. Best first officer?

My first answer is (original series) Spock, but upon further reflection I might have to say Riker. Riker is rather unparalleled in his full 100% support of Picard. Hm. Might be a tie.

14. Best chief engineer?

B'elanna Torres

15. Best doctor?

They are all kind of amazing miracle workers. Loyalty makes me want to say the Doctor, but honestly? I think it's Bashir.

16. What would be your personal "captain's beverage"?

uh? Oh, I get it. I don't recall what Archer's or Sisko's favorite beverage was... Ratkajino for Sisko? Anyway, since I don't typically drink anything with caffeine... um decaf coffee? Lavender milk tea boba? lol.

17. Favorite piece of 24th century technology?

Dermal regenerator? Replicator? Holodeck? Transporter? Sonic showers? (aside: I've read many a fanfic that seems to eschew the sonic showers for real water showers, I guess taking the pov that real showers are more sexy or something, more sensual, and that sonic showers are more of an evil necessity or something. I don't understand this. Personally, I'd kill for a sonic shower.)

18. Which character would you want to vacation with on Risa?

TOM PARIS, WITHOUT A DOUBT. Maybe Kathryn Janeway. Third on the list is Chakotay. Better yet, all three! haha.

19. Which position on a starship would you occupy?

Since we're dreaming here, I think I'd want a command position, but I'd take a Science officer, I suppose.

20. Which villain would you send out the nearest airlock?

The Borg Queen? Or Kai Winn?? Kai Winn!

21. Would you consider joining Section 31?

Um, possibly, but only if someone other than crazycakes Sloane is running it.

22. As a captain, how would you style your hair?

hahahaha. What's wrong with a simple ponytail, I ask you?

23. Describe an ideal night at Quark's.
24. Favorite TOS scene?

This sort of favorite quote, favorite scene, favorite episode questions takes too long for me to properly answer.

25. Favorite TNG scene?
26. Favorite DS9 scene?
27. Favorite VOY scene?
28. Favorite ENT scene?
29. Which character's story would you like to adopt as your own?

? Not sure about this...

30. Would you give up the captain's chair for a shot at admiralty?

Sure, after a time.

31. What would you name a star your ship discovered?
32. Would you consider traveling with Q for eternity?


33. Which character would you want to be trapped with in the turbo lift?

Or Picard.
Or Janeway.

34. What would be your signature catchphrase as a captain?
35. What is your favorite competitive game to play on the holodeck?

Horseback riding! Oh wait, I'm suppose to say something like Parisi Squares or Velocity or something. Or golf, if you're playing against the Doctor. Um... Velocity, I guess.

36. What is the worst fate you can imagine for your ship?

Is there something worse than death and destruction?

37. Which character would you want to share a cup of coffee with on a weekly basis?


38. What would be the most honorable death?

Can't get more honorable than Spock's death in (the original) TWOK, imo. Maybe along those lines, that time the duplicate Voyager sacrificed themselves so the other Voyager ship could go free.

39. Which two characters would you want as your parents?

Gah. no.

40. Which alien ability would you choose?

Hm, some sort of telepathy. Kes's maybe, but less freaky/crazy.

41. Favorite TOS episode?

I don't know how you expect me to choose favorites for any of these...

42. Favorite TNG episode?
43. Favorite DS9 episode?
44. Favorite VOY episode?
45. Favorite ENT episode?

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st: ds9, st: ent, st: voy, star trek, st: tos, memes

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