May 28, 2006 19:11
HE i don't suppose i had such a problem with and SHE was too terribly bad either... i suppose.
I can talk to HIM easy probably because we have a few things in common. SHE i could barely talk to because there wasn't much to talk about OR I would ask an open ended question and i would recieve a closed ended answer. Conversations don't last long in a line like that. HE seemed to be pretty generous and helpful. SHE was also Helpful. All i really have to say is, I DON'T have a problem with them. I HAVE a problem with their shady behavior for as long as i have known them. Being who i am from where i am from i am someone who opens to people easily. I begin laying rows of bricks one on top of the other with every little thing that disturbs that openness. eventually a wall is built blocking whomever disturbed me the most. If you have a problem with what i said, talk to me. post a comment. whatever. I am not a terribly defensive person. i listen and i take criticism and learn.
Maybe what HE/SHE does is who HE/SHE is. If that is the case, them are not people i want to be around. All i know is what i see. I've said what i've seen. I don't want to be an asshole and i truely am not. Maybe it was the wrong place and the wrong time. Maybe i am suppose to see something else. I care for my personal safety and for the safety of those i love. as one should, action has to be taken and was. I'm Out.