Dancing ladies day

Jan 02, 2014 08:37

Is there any way to look up a tune I recognize out loud, say online, but I can't place it by name or title or exactly where it comes from? I could sing/hum it face to face and might or might not get the idea across, and I know I have friends (some here on LJ) who can write music to each other perfectly well, but here I'm limited to what *I* can hum to *my* reader/listeners using written word only.

I can tell you it's instrumental (no words), maybe a hundred years old but less than two hundred I think, and gives me the idea it's Russian. Added: allegro, or quicker. Not saying it's written with sleigh bells explicitly in mind, but the world "tintinnabulation" would not be out of place. Would go something like this out loud, if the exercise weren't so pointless:

Da DA-da-da-da da-da da-da-DA
Da DA-da-da da da-da DA
Da DA-da-da-da DA-da da-da da
Da-da DA da-da da da DA

So, specific question: any clue what tune I'm groping after?
Larger question: any way I can address the general issue? How can I do the equivalent of humming a tune, using just words not actual music.

(Yes, you may remind me of anything obvious I've forgotten please.)
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