Aiming at Arisia

Jan 13, 2014 16:12

Hoping to see folks at Arisia over the weekend. If there's programming too, that's cool, but mostly hoping to run into friends on Saturday and Sunday.

Here's some specific things we might try running into together. If I hear about scheduled events, I might try for them; it a bunch of us run into each other with the same idea, we try to find a place to chat together; it the most we find are one or two of us gathered together, come to my room. (The room can always be a default place to come by.) Some thoughts for friends to look for, as scheduled or not, might include:
- Sleepy Hollow
- The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, et seq.
- Mummentrolls
- why so many modern new Sherlock Holmeses these days? (are there really all that many, or is it just me?)
- Lovecraftian tabletop RPG, Call / Trail of Cthulhu, purist and pulpist
- what was so big and new and great about Dune back in the day, and how it's fallen short since then

But like I say, those items are just ideas to call us together; it's the finding each other is what I'm hoping for.
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