1. Leave me a comment saying, 'interview me'.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions. (You must do this, even if it's filtered for my eyes only!)
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
My questions from
1. What brought you to Portland?
My then-husband. He was trying once again to start his life over again. Don't ask. Because if I tell you you might not like me anymore. Because I actually believed the son-uvva-bitch was serious. Nevertheless, I do owe him thanks for this because I absolutely fell in love with Portland the minute we landed and I haven't lost my fascination for it yet.
2. What is your favourite medieval recipe and can I have a copy of it?
Wow, this one will take a while. A lot of my favorites are actually still in modern day usage. And I totally want to say it's something with apricots just because I want to spell it apricocks. (Like
Rachel Maddow wants to use the word shuttlecock with regards to Iran again.) But the truth is, my favorite thing I learned from studying (okay, reading about...study implies something a lot more serious than what I've done) medieval cooking is the use of the spice galangal. I add it to green beans along with a splash of soy sauce and it's awe-freaking-some! That not being an actual medieval recipe, I'll go with something easier to justify. Jewish haggis. It's called Kishka and it goes back to the days when the Jews were being booted from one city to the next and they had to use up every scrap of food they had. Is it delicious? You betcha! Is it a little gross to make? Ooooh, yeah. (Then again, I'm dying to try my hand at pickling a cow tongue so my version of gross is a little broad.)
2 feet beef casing
1/4 cup chicken fat (do NOT try substituting anything with less saturated fat!)
1 medium onion, minced
3/4 cup flour (I never used flour in mine but every printed recipe I've seen calls for it . Mine isn't at all like the kind I buy so maybe I should try it.)
salt and pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons bread crumbs
Water, boiling, salted
1. Wash and clean the beef casing inside and out. Scrape off the fat with a dull knife. Cut into three 8-inch lengths. Sew up one end of each section.
2. Preheat oven to moderate (350F)
3. In a small skillet, melt the chicken fat and saute onions until lightly browned.
4. In a mixing bowl, sift together the flour, salt and pepper. Add the bread crumbs and the melted chicken fat with the onions. Mix well and loosely stuff each section beef casing with the mixture to allow for expansion while cooking. Sew up the other end. Shake and rinse off any flour from the surface.
5. Immerse in boiling water for 3-5 minutes and drain.
6. Arrange derma in a shallow greased baking dish and bake 1-1/2 to 2 hours or until well-browned. Baste frequently with the pan drippings
3. What tarot deck do you use for readings?
The Witches' Tarot, designed by Ellen Canon Reed. I own close to a dozen additional decks and sometimes read from each of them but this one is my favorite. I recently purchased the
Forest Folklore Tarot and am just starting to get that warmed up to me but I think I'll be sticking with my standby for a long time to come.
4. Which is your favourite of the Doctor's companions? Why?
I might protest that this is TWO questions making the total six ... but I don't really care... LOL!
If I can choose across the span of years, I'd say Ace. She was the most down to Earth of them, the least exotic (save one, see end of paragraph) and the most (to my mind) entertaining. (I apologize to my beloved Sarah Jane Smith and my equally beloved Romana II but I have to be honest.) She also seemed the youngest and that brought out an avuncular side of the Doctor that none of the others had ever displayed. If I have to choose from the pool who went with Nine and Ten I'm gonna go against all the world and say Mickey because he was the most unusual Companion (shut up, Jack!); he had so little about him that made him stand apart from the general populace and yet he was, at the end, the bravest and most brilliant of them all.
5. What one thing (outrageous or otherwise) would you like to see in Torchwood series 3?
Eesh! I want to see Tosh come back at least in flashbacks. I loved the way Gwen said (in "The Stolen Earth") "I'm going to go down fighting. Like Owen. Like Tosh." (I might have those two reversed...) I want both Owen and Tosh to be forever part of the team, even if they're gone. (As a side note, I TOTALLY want Owen to have been rescued by a band of rogue Weevils and he'll come back as King of the Weevils someday. But that's not for series 3...)