Seriously? Is there ANYTHING she can't harm?

Feb 07, 2009 11:25

Shamdy is now an expert on rheumatoid arthritis. I am cross-posting this because I have a friend with RA who I'm sure will have lots of good (read: snarky) things to say about this one.

Here are a few of her pearls of wisdom.

If chopping is difficult, purchase pre-chopped foods to make the preparation process a little easier.


Keep frequently used pots and pans at arms reach
Keep the pots, pans, dishes and glasses you use most toward the front of your cabinet or in an open area, where they are easily accessible.

It takes a multi-million dollar industrialist faux cook to make this suggestions? And her recipes? Don't ask. You can look for yourself if you feel strong enough.

Faraday has just realized I'm ignoring him. Back to serving my fuzzy Lord and Barking Master.
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