Sep 05, 2006 17:24
I want to write a list of everything I have learnt in last year,
& I am going to follow it this year.
September-September speaking.
Never get drunk when you are over tired and over emotional.
If you do, do not go near a mobile phone
--drunken phonecalls can equal major embarassment.
Never get drunk when you are wearing a white dress.
Younger brothers understand& know more than you think, so be careful what you say.
Do not have a party when you have to make a speech at 830 the next morning.
Do not leave that party early with 6people planning to stay at your house, even if you do leave them with your keys.
Saying "Oh okay, I'll just have one.." DOESN'T WORK (one drink, one square of chocolate, one more minute of sleep, one quick check of myspace.. you know what I mean)
Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room, and don't get straight back into bed after switching it off.
Always look nice going through Victoria, you bump into EVERYBODY.
Go to bed early before an exam, or you WILL fall asleep.
Do not drink too much wine at lunch, it gives you a headache during triple whatever you have after lunch.
Do your work in your frees.
Do not sleep in your frees (unless they are in the morning).
Do not go and have a fag in your frees (even if you are so stressed about all the work you haven't done.. Do the work).
Never believe people when they say "I've done NO art", "I've done NO revision", "I have NO idea how to do the maths",
--they always do and they always have and then you are a bit fucked.
Do not leave your room in a tip before going out, waking up after collapsing on piles of shoes&make up&bags so doesn't help a hangover.
ALWAYS have a spare packet of paracetamol.
Never leave a full ashtray on your bed.
Don't shove all your books&work into an unknown corner at the beginning of the holidays,
--no books, no work done and no idea where to look for any of it makes the going back to school so much more stressful.
Never rely on shopping for an outfit on the day, you end up too late and never finding anything anyway.
Beer has 200 calories a can.
Swimming releases happy endorphins.
It is called a rastafarian, not a gangstafarian.
Never try to break a lump of hash using scissors.. you will snip your hand, and it will be gross.
If you are wearing high heels, stay at someones house where you wont have to put them back on the morning after.
You cannot sleep looking "like an angel" if you have a chest infection that keeps you coughing all night.
Do not keep your oyster card, bank card, ID, and money all in the same place.. when you lose it you are stuck.
Leaving sunglasses& CDs on the floor means they WILL get stepped on. And that means they WILL break.
Never tell your friends that you have two cigarette cartons at home, they won't even last one week if you do.
Drastic changes to your hair take much less time to do than they take to grow back.
Semi permanent hair dyes lie, they last for so much longer than 6weeks.
If the sand looks like it's moving, it is actually a fat pile of sand insects, step Over it, not on it. Unless you like that kind of thing..
Bitchy myspace bulletins are not as subtle as you think, say it to their face.
Coded live journal entries are not as coded as you think, don't say it at all.
Beer and coconut milk remains do not mix well.
Tie your hair back if you are eating a toffee apple/a stick of candyfloss.
Do not spend your bus money on cigarettes.
Do not spend your cigarette money on the bus.
Teachers do not like it when you step on their feet.
Don't make a stupid bet because you are confident of winning it,- you won't.
Don't sit at the top of a double decker bus with a puking friend.
Talk about the weekend QUIETLY on a monday morning, teachers are worse gossips than us. And they call your parents.
To-Do lists never actually get done, you spent too long writing it.
You'll always have a chance to tell your secret, you'll never get a chance to take back telling it.
Don't tell an fhs girl you have a packet of gum in your bag, it will be shared out before you can blink.
School dinners aren't thaat bad, &you don't have to pay.
Phrase what you say so that people can't read too much into it or bring it up long after you've forgotten saying it.
The tiniest comment can make the biggest impact, so be careful.
Don't be too philosophical.
Don't get caught up in a loop.
Subtle detail makes a lie that much more believable to grownups.
If you are taking wine from the cellar, try to remember which one is specially saved for Christmas dinner, because it will be noticed that it's gone.
Hiding a smashed glass under the rug DOES NOT make it dissappear.
Never leave hair straighteners switched on when they will be trodden on or burn ugly strips into a top.
It is harder to see fire in bright sunlight.
Spraying deoderant or perfume to cover up a smell only makes it worse. Especially on the bus.
Don't make notes in pencil, they have faded by revision time.
Don't shove important pieces of paper into the bottom of your bag or locker.
Never wrap up an mp3 player in a scrap of paper. The scrap of paper will get thrown away, and the mp3 will still be inside it.
Do not spend all your left over money on duty free you don't actually want, save it for all the new clothes there are around when you get home.
Singing conversations are fun.
Does anyone have any ideas to add please?
The Hamleys photobooth is possible the most unflattering camera in the whole entire world.
When you are offered advice, listen to it. That doesn't mean you have to follow it though.
Accept help before it goes away.
Do not give drunken piggyback rides, or accept them from anyone.
Do not shave your legs on pills, unless you want to look like they were shaved with a cheese grater.
Don't wash your hair when you are drunk, or you WILL flood the bathroom.
Don't wear flipflops to fabric. They will break, you will throw them away, &your feet WILL get fucked right up.
Nail polish should NOT get painted anywhere apart from on your nails.
Cat Sykes::
Never think that avoiding people will help.
Do not get drunk at midnight when you are going on holiday at 2:30am the next day.
Do not fall asleep in fields.
Do not wear bright yellow ponchos. They are not a good look.
If you don't go to lessons you WILL fail your AS levels.
Matt oliver will ALWAYS hate Ellen. [Matt oliver will always love ellen a little bit, no matter how much he tries to hate her].
Don't take passport photos when you are drunk.
Don't go for a piss outside the window no matter how drunk you are or how much you need to pee.
Don't go to carnival with more than 3 friends if you want to stick together.
Don't put bread in your friends hair-it is mean. [Don't put salt in your friends hair-they will put bread in yours].
Don't go out to a club at 12 p.m on a wednesday if you feel like socialising with a lot of people.
Don't drink fizzy drinks too fast-they'll give you hiccups.
Never put your friend's gameboy game in an empty cigarette box- it will get thrown away- somebody did that to abenas gameboy game.