For saanrio

Dec 25, 2011 17:02

Title: An Inconvenient Truth
Pairing: Hyunjoong/Youngsaeng
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Youngsaeng refuses to stop prostituting himself even though Hyunjoong had taken him off the street and gave him everything he ever wanted. He says it so he could keep making money but is that the real reason? Is money the only reason he keeps hurting the man that says he loves him even though he has a wife at his side?

Young Saeng arched his back into the nameless man above him, moans falling from his lips as the man thrusted into him. The man didn’t stop his movement as he leaned down for a kiss; Young Saeng turned his head away. Even though he sold himself for money he had a rule about kissing, he didn’t allow anyone to kiss him on the lips. A kiss usually meant his customer wanted something more than the sex he was offering them. He wasn’t getting paid for the love they would want from him so he never allowed it to happen.

They didn’t match much longer after the man picked up the pace of his thrust, Young Saeng was sure that he made the other man pull out before white flashed behind his closed eyelids. He was panting hard when he felt his customer collapse next to him. He stayed completely still on the bed for a few seconds before carefully standing and heading towards the bathroom in the cheap hotel that he was brought too.

He didn’t even wait for the bathroom door to close all the way before heading straight for the shower. He only made sure that the water was warm before stepping into it, closing the shower curtain behind him. He didn’t even make an effort to clean himself after stepping underneath the water; no matter what he did he would never be truly clean. Instead he let the water wash away the sticky substance on his inner thighs and his stomach.

He was out of the shower in a matter of minutes, every bit of him still dripping with water when he left the bathroom to gather his clothes from the floor. He slipped them over his wet body, the fabric clinging to his wet figure, before moving over to the bed to see his customer sleeping peacefully on the bed. His eyes traveled over to the bedside table to see a wallet there. He snatched it off the table, opened it, and pulled out a hundred dollars before tossing it back on the table.

He didn’t look back as he left the nameless man on the bed. He made his way towards the hotel lobby, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he walked. He pressed the number two button until a number appeared on the screen of the phone; he then held it up to his ear and waited until the other side answered. “Hey,” he said once he got into the elevator, “I need you to come get me.” He told the person on the other side of the line the address of the cheep hotel before hanging up, not even letting the other person say anything back to him. He initially planned to wait in the lobby but he headed outside instead. He pulled his winter coat closer to his body before leaning up against the outside walls.

His wait only lasted a few minutes as a dark car rode up to the front of the hotel, stopping just feet away from him. He pushed off the wall and quickly got into the front seat of the car, it wasn’t snowing but the winter winds were powerful.

“Again?” Young Saeng turned to face the driver with a slight frown as they started to drive off.

“Don’t again? me, Kyu,” he said as he frown turned into a pout, “I make money this way.”

“You’ve told me that many times but I still don’t understand why you still do it…Hyun Joong’s not gonna like the fact that I picked you up from here.” Kyu Jong sighed.

“Why does it matter if Hyun Joon likes it or not?” Young Saeng crossed his arms over his chest, “Anyway, being in a hotel, even one as nasty as that one, is better than getting fucked in a dirty alleyway.”

“You know he brought you in and gave you a place to live in order to keep you away from the life you used to live.”

“You know it’s not nice to lie, Kyu,” he said as he turned his head to look out the window, “He’s the same as the rest of them. He fucks me when his wife is away and pays for it by giving me a place to stay.” Kyu Jong said nothing to his words; the rest of the ride was filled with silence.

“Thank you for the ride.” Young Saeng got out of the car and closed the door. He watched as the other man drive away before stuffing his hands into his pockets and heading up to his apartment.

As he approached his apartment he noticed that the door was slightly ajar and he could hear the sound of things breaking. He approached the door with caution, carefully pushing it open before slowly venturing inside.

As he moved towards the living room the sounds of things breaking became louder. He stopped at the entrance of the living room to see a woman in the process of breaking his television with a baseball bat. She paused, as if she felt his presence, before turning to face him. “It‘s all your fault!”

Young Saeng wanted to say I‘m sorry? but the words were caught in his throat.

“It‘s all your fault you whore!” It suddenly occurred to him the woman breaking his television screen was Hyun Joong‘s wife. “He won‘t touch me, he won‘t even looked at me in the eyes anymore! It‘s all your fault you stupid whore!” She raised the bat above her head and charged at him. He just stood there like a deer caught in the head lights not even comprehending what was happening until she was right in front of him swinging the bat down on him.

He flinched, expecting the blow on his skull but one never came. “I tell you I want a divorce and you come here to destroy and apartment and injure and innocent man?” Young Saeng looked up to see a hand holding the bat, keeping it from making contact with his skull. His eyes widened as he turned around to see Hyun Joong standing behind him.

“But you loved me before you took in this whore.” Young Saeng heard her voice crack; he didn’t even need to face her to know she was holding back tears.

“You’re right I loved you, past tense, it’s not his fault that my heart has changed.” Hyun Joong wrapped his free arm around Young Saeng’s waist and kissed him on the lips. His eyes went wide with surprise at the sudden kiss; he was too confused to pull away from the other man.

When Hyun Joong pulled away Young Saeng stayed frozen. “He didn’t force me to fall in love with him, I did it all on my own.”

The sound of the bat hitting the floor knocked him back to reality. He turned his head just in time to see her run from the apartment. Once he couldn’t see her anymore he tilted his head up to see Hyun Joong’s face full of worry.

“I’m so glad your okay.” He bent down to capture Young Saeng’s lips again but he turned his face away and put his hands on Hyun Joong’s chest and lightly pushed the other away. “What’s wrong?”

“Too many things happening at one time,” he backed away just slightly, “I’m just going to go for a walk while I sort it all out in my head.”

“You’ll be back right?”

“Of course,” he said as he sent a smile Hyun Joong’s way, “Why wouldn’t I return to the man who loves me?”

He lied.

Once he was out of the apartment and the door closed behind him he ran. With nothing on him but the clothes on his back, the cell phone Hyun Joong bought him, and the hundred dollars that he got earlier he just ran. The first thing he did was remove the battery from the back of the cell phone and throwing both, the battery and the phone, into a nearby dumpster. He then went to the bus stop and boarded one that would take him away from the city.

On the bus ride he thought about leaving Hyun Joong behind, he felt bad every time he thought about it. He almost got off the bus more than once but Hyun Joong’s words came into his mind and he stayed seated.

Love. That was the word that made him run away. Nothing good came out of love. His parents were in love and all he witnessed in their apparent shared love was a drunken father and an abused mother. Then the love escalated to his mother dying by his father’s hands. He knew they would both live better without love ruining everything.


A year had passed since he had run away from the city. His life had undergone a complete change while living in the county side. Instead of selling himself at night, he had found a job at a coffee shop and he shared an apartment with a childhood friend that he hadn’t seen in years.

“What time will you be back home today,” Hyung Joon asked as he finished off his breakfast.

“Who knows,” Young Saeng said as he finished off his cereal, “After work today I have to run some errands, not sure how long it’ll take me.”

“Don’t get home too late and wake me up, I have to wake up at six in the morning.”

“Will do.” Young Saeng waved goodbye to Hyung Joon before throwing on his coat and heading out the door.

Once he was out in the cold winter morning he pulled his coat closer to his body. He headed off towards the café.

He was almost to the door when he stopped in his tracks. His eyes growing wide as he stared at the man a few feet away from him, the man stared right back.

“How did you find me?”

“You look good Young Saeng…so much about your life has changed that I had trouble --”

“How did you find me, Hyun Joong?”

“I’ll admit it took me a while.” He walked towards Young Saeng and the other held his ground, not backing away as Hyun Joong approached him, “I’m so happy I found you.” He lifted his hand to touch Young Saeng’s cheek and the other was quick to smack the hand away. The hurt Hyun Joong felt from the action was evident in his eyes, but Young Saeng didn’t let the fact that the look bothered him show on his face.

“Why are you here?”

“I’m here to take you back…”

“Was the fact that I ran away not enough of a hint?” Young Saeng kept his voice low so he wouldn’t draw any attention to himself, “Don’t you think the fact that I ran away from you mean I don’t feel the same? That I no longer wanted to be around you?” The broken look that took over Hyun Joong’s face broke his heart, but he didn’t let it show. He kept telling himself that it was for the best, he wouldn’t let himself waver.

“I thought it was because you were afraid…”

“You guessed wrong.” He realized his words were harsh but he wasn’t going to change them, “You’re not longer useful to me so I no longer need you in my life.”


“Just leave,” he cut Hyun Joong off before he could finish his sentence, “Leave and never appear in front of me again.” Just by the look on the other man’s face Young Saeng knew that his final words had done what he wanted them too. Hyun Joong’s face was showing the expression of someone who was completely broken, shattered by his cruel words. The other man’s mouth opened but no words came out.

They stood there for several minutes. Silently staring at each other before Hyun Joong let out a sigh and turned away from Young Saeng. The sight of the other man’s retreating back hurt him more then he imagined and he placed his hand over his heart and fisted the fabric. His free hand touched the side of the building as his eyes rested on the ground, he suddenly felt drained of all energy.

He slowly sank to the floor, his hand sliding down the rough surface of the same coffee shop. Silent tears made their way down his face as he stayed by the wall in a crouching position. “It’s for the best,” he whispered to himself as he slumped up against the side of the building. Even though he kept telling himself that everything he was doing was for the best he couldn’t help but to wonder if he was supposed to feel so much pain.

p: hyunjoong/youngsaeng, rating: pg-13

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