gwyd Apr 10, 2017 06:13
ads, protest, anti-semitism, foreign policy, sexism, asia, russia, books, tv, terrorism, skating, middle east, racism, war, north africa, movie, poetry, dragon cave
gwyd Apr 03, 2017 03:01
misogyny, horror, cake, movie, poetry, tv, shakespeare, early modern
gwyd Mar 30, 2017 06:12
climate change, russia, books, tv, early modern, racism, gardens, privacy, health, movie, dance, queer history, europe, health care, environment, rape, early middle ages
gwyd Mar 28, 2017 04:01
russia, tv, health care policy, movie, corruption, politcs
gwyd Mar 17, 2017 15:41
weather, health care policy, war on women, climate change, middle ages, music, russia, tv, election, whitewashing, choice, class warfare, movie, queer history, conspiracy theories, europe, cruelty
gwyd Mar 04, 2017 03:29
media, war on women, movie, foreign policy, russia, hypocrisy, tv, europe, immigration, art history, trans, cruelty
gwyd Feb 26, 2017 03:50
media, anti-semitism, movie, russia, tv, europe, trans, wwii
gwyd Jan 09, 2017 06:09
u s history, choice, cake, war on women, movie, life, right to pee, russia, tv, trans, rip, hate crime, transphobia
gwyd Jan 07, 2017 19:48
trans, hate crime, movie, life
gwyd Dec 31, 2016 06:15
anti-semitism, movie, quiltbag, life, right to pee, tv, trans, poison