Dec 29, 2006 10:07
I totally lucked out this year to even be able to have a Christmas and birthday to celebrate so I am counting that as my biggest gift this year (as we all should every year).
I have an amazing family and an outstanding set of friends. Christmas was a bit difficult but the lack of snow helped it feel less Christmas-y and therefore in some strange twisted way helped to lessen the pain of Alex's absence a bit. We showered each other with love and some great gifts.
My birthday was yesterday and the slight hang-over I have today is proof that my friends didn't let it go unnoticed. Hung out with the karate people - Pete, Elana, Anthony, Casey, John and Bruce and Michelle as well and we (I) did many shots bought by these wonderous people. I had a great time and really felt loved not only by the party at the bar but also by the numerous phone calls - from family and friends - and cards. Thank you so much for helping me to share the start of what is going to be a great year!
I love you guys (and I can say that totally sober now)! :)