I watched the German version of 1x07 last night. God help me, but I'm beginning to get used to John's German voice. To be fair, John's voice is the only thing I really have problems with where the German dubbing for POI is concerned and that's not because the dubber is bad (he's a lot better than all those guys I had to listen to where H50 is concerned) - his voice just makes John seem like a different person, less mature, less mysterious. But then, it's probably almost impossible to find a dubber who's able to pull off anything even remotely resembling Jim Caviezel's John Reese voice. *sigh*
Back to the ep. :)
[Spoilers for 1x07] I love it when a tv series is able to surprise me, and POI keeps doing that all the time. It's rare that I don't stick with a series "just" because I love certain characters, but also because I love the plot of the episodes themselves. Each one of Harold and John's "cases" has managed has managed to intrigue me and draw me in, but this specific episode stands out to me even among all the other mostly high-quality episodes of POI.
I think I must have gaped like a fish when I witnessed the transformation of Charlie, the harmless, friendly, innocent, helpless, courageous school teacher into Charlie, the creepy, cunning, ruthless mafia boss for the first time. My reaction was half parts "Oh, shit" and half parts "excited squee", because they gave us a hell of a bad guy here. I love Elias - he's one of the best bad guys I've ever seen on tv (and he's even quoting Julius Caesar :D). I really liked the relationship between John and Charlie and the way he reminded John of Harold. It's obvious John really liked him (and I did, too). What a deceiver! *admires him*
Just like Carter, I thought Scarface (no idea what his name is) would turn out to be Elias. Scarface & Elias remind me a lot of Reese & Finch, btw. Interesting parallels there, or perhaps it is just me?
Fusco really is a tough cookie. Just sayin'. ;-) I'm not sure when exactly I went from being wary of Fusco to honestly liking him, but in this ep, I'm definitely already well in the "like" area.
I loved that last scene between Harold and John, with John blaming himself and broadcasting defeat and anger and Harold shouldering half the blame and trying to calm and comfort. Not to mention that the song was great - I rewatched the last scenes about 10 times yesterday, just for the song (well, and because I liked the scenes).
Now that I can comfortably rewatch this ep on my tv instead of having to sit in front of the computer, I'm planning on rewatching it a lot. :)