Mullen Mouth Boucher (or hanging cheek mullen mouth snaffle)

Feb 09, 2011 15:30

So where can I find one? Seriously, none of the tack stores have them (most of the people don't know what it is) and Bodie *hearts* that bit.
Currently I'm using a pelhem without the chain or leverage but obviously this ghetto bit cannot be used at shows! The only tack stores seem to be in the UK and none will ship to Canada. I am in talks with a tack store here to see if they could order one for me from their suppliers.

Our lesson was fantastic last night and we actually got to jump! Bodie is getting better about the bit but I really have to make sure he stays in front of my leg (he really tends to want to curl back). The bit allows me to be so light in the hand and really just ride off my leg. We're even getting our lead changes! *note* We have never really schooled them but lately we've just been practicing setting up for them after the fence ie-STRONG halfhalts (he likes to cruise around on the forehand) and by keep him straight and not letting his hindquarters drift out. So far this seems to be remarkable successful and we're getting super clean changes both direction and without any drama or tension. He changes no problem left to right before the corner (so responding to my aids versus becoming unblanced) and then will cleanly change right to left with a pole. I bet someone who really knew what they were doing with lead changes would have him doing them no problem. I've only ridden horses that are too green to know lead changes (or expected to do them) or horses with AUTO changes whereyou don't have to do ANYTHING.
This superbit is also keeping Bodie up and light which is giving us some awesome jumps and he's using his back and neck more too. Our corners are also delightful.

AND!!! No spook!!! THough it could be the simmerDown that he's on too but either way, he's a totally different horse. He doesn't spook or shy or anything! Yesterday I was riding with a couple other people and normally I have to worry a bit about traffic issues (oncoming horses at the canter or horses cantering up behind us) but I was like "bring it on" and BOdie didn't flick an ear.

Hopefully wonderbit lasts because I am totally loving my rideable "normal" horse!

A note more for myself as well as I just recalled this. When I met with that physical therapist last June during the Alhambra Development Clinic, she had us do an exercise where we stood up straight and then lifted one leg off the ground until the thigh was parallel to the ground. We did this with both legs but the key is to keep your body straight. When I lift my left leg off the ground, I have no issues at all but lifting my right leg off the ground I automatically collapse my left hip (or shove it to the outside). So my left side is weaker. But interestingly enough, my big issue with Bodie is that his hips like to swing to the left. SO my goal is to do my leg lifts everyday (probably in the shower) and see if I can make keeping my left hip in line with my body second nature. I don't exactly collapse my left side at all but I know going to the left is the weaker direction. I am hoping that this will help me keep my body straight so I can help Bodie out.

Birthday supper with my dad was very good on Sunday. He came home and Cory, Ryan, my mom and I were all there with him. He ate very well and even had a piece of DQ icecream cake! Mom is hoping to do more family dinners which I totally approve of!
In other family news, my grandpa should be getting his bypass surgery done within the next month. *crosses fingers that it goes well him*

riding, supplements, family, lessons, bodie, bits, dad, grandparents, mullen mouth

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