Dear Mr. President

Sep 25, 2008 10:57

"Our economy has continued growing, consumers are spending, business are investing, exports continue increasing and American productivity remains strong. We can have confidence in the long-term foundation of our economy...I think the system basically is sound. I truly do." - President Bush, July 15, 2008
Dear President Bush, 
I don't envy your position as President because I realize it is a difficult job.  But you, sir, are a moron.  I didn't vote for you eight years ago - or four years ago - because I understood how stupid you were from the very beginning. And last night, rather than hear you talk about the urgency of mortaging our future to save Wall Street, I would rather have heard you ask the America public for forgiveness for letting things get this bad.

I truly hope that history will not look at your administration with anything but criticism, using it as an example of how greed, bad management, and poor decision-making can break a great nation.

I have a novel idea. Instead of pumping $700 billion dollars into big corporations that have abused the American public with predatory lending and terrible business practices, why don't you pay off the American public's debt? Put that money in our pockets, so we can pay off our debts and get back to our lives. Instead of rewarding the bastards who got us into this mess (and our debt), how about helping out the little guy for a change?  Yes, as individuals we were stupid to get into debt in the first place, but it wouldn't have happened - or at least on a much smaller scale - if the greed of the banking industry had been monitored and reigned in. If you're going to save somebody from their bad decisions, greed, and poor financial management, save us. Instead of buying up worthless assets from the banks, give us that $700 billion dollars, Mr. President, and give many of us a fresh start. You know, once we get some money in our pockets, we can start paying our bills (and debts) again, buy the things we need, and maybe the economy can recover. The economy runs on money from our pockets, and we're dry.  Until you fix that, you're not going to fix the economy.

But, you, President Bush, have no desire to help the little guys.  I know that.  I've always known that.  And, if I'm 65 and ready to retire, and all the money I've paid into social security all these years has dried up and gone away to pay off the debts you built up during your administration, I will remember what you have done to this country, and to me, personally . And I will not remember you with any kindness.

(ETA: And yes, people, I do understand that such an economic proposal would never be adopted for many, many reasons... but seriously, divide $700 billion by 138 million taxpayers, and you'd be giving the average American a nice boost)


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