Epic Flail

Jan 31, 2011 17:07

So, the thing is I love to do crafts. I pick up a new one every once and while just to keep from stagnating, but I really just love the sense of accomplishment when a project is finished. These last few years have been an eye opener for me in the self-awareness department. I'm starting to realize that I can dream big, but my follow through needs some serious work. It's one of the reasons I bounce so often, and even though I keep trying the failure is starting to get to me, again.

All of which leads me to crochet. I have been self teaching me for over a decade in this hobby all with one goal in mind. An afghan. Yep, the ultimate in my personal quest for homey-ness is the one thing you always dread to see at Grandma's. Well, not my grandmother - it's not her thing, but it still says grandma's to me. I don't just want any ole afghan, I want one of the cool ones. The soho chic afghans that you see and think "you have to be damned good to do that one", and I want to make it myself. Needless to say it has not happened.

I'm beginning to realize that I'll settle for butt ugly if it will get me one of these things. Crochet is not that hard. Time consuming, I'll give you that one, but not hard. It just takes the determination to learn a few basic stitches and how to read a pattern. Boredom kills me every time. It's actually my downfall with every craft I learn. So, I have learned to cycle them, and for the last two years it's been working, as long as I accept the glaring lack of an afghan. Excuse me while I shake my fist to the sky.

I have at least one accomplishment to my credit. I have finally moved past scarves! I made purses, hats and amigarumi this year. Amigarumi is Japanese for a small crocheted doll. There are a ton of patterns out there and I have made a few as well as tawashi, which I could call a personal washcloth, but I heard about it with the Japanese term and it stuck. Armed with these under my belt, I am trying again for my holy grail. So far? It's going to be ugly and I only nearly have the second panel done out of a needed nine. Actually, the panels by themselves would be lovely but combining them is a mistake color-wise, and the nine panels only make a lap-sized blanket. I just don't have the right yarn to finish any one color combination or even yarn type.

I just want with great big grabby hands of doom.

I want to finish my writing projects too. Hell, I'd like to get any writing out. It's at the point where it's becoming my obsession - this need to finish one big project. Just get one out of the way and I'll get my butt in gear to finish all the others, but we'll see. In the mean time - I've got my yarn in storage bins just waiting to be used, and a whole bunch of yarn squares waiting for assembly.

bright shiny, humor, crafty angst

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