For no particular reason

Dec 08, 2010 08:53

Here's information you don't really care about, but I feel the need to impart:

I love Disney movies but feel that they missed the whole point behind the fairy tales by changing the moral of the story.

I will choke up more at a cartoon death than I will for a regular movie, but a book death will get copious, genuine tears.

I laughed so much when people died in the movie Sweeney Todd that I was nearly hissed out of the theater.

My friend and I (who are both over thirty) enjoyed Mamma Mia so loudly we were actually told to shut up, but thanked at the end by some double dating elderly couples for actually getting it.

I think it sucks that enjoying life out loud is frowned on.

I have rotating hobbies so I don't get bored with any of them.

I write frequently, but rarely finish any of them.

I'm finding slowly that wisdom does come with age, but it doesn't make your life any better.

I read other people's works and think I can do better then re-read my own and realize that I don't.

I'm really bad at humility.

I think my son is far too clever at his age and I plan to teach him how not to get caught rather than to stay out of trouble.

I feel bad for not posting more often, but make no effort to change my ways.

Even when I know the story I will re-read my friend's posts to make sure there isn't something I missed.

I have plans to mercilessly exploit my friend's children at a later date, but it's okay because she does too.

If I see one more author misuse the word peaked in place of piqued I will not be able to contain my CAPSLOCK OF RAGE.  The same with bear and bare, people!  There are resources for you to use every-frikken-where and yet you still choose to ignore them and get mad if someone points it out.  Suck it up and change the damned usage in your brain so I can enjoy your story!

The dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia were my resources when I was four reading the newspaper on my daddy's lap.  No joke.

I have no problem with the right word spelled incorrectly, because it happens.  Unless it happens several times in every paragraph, then I stop reading and call you a moron in my head.

I generally end up needing to eat crow after a rant because there are exceptions to everything, not this one, this is all about my opinion.  I'm just sayin.

I am increasingly sad at the apathy of Americans toward education.

I love my country, even with it's flaws, because I know we can change.

My son looks to be allergic to wheat, but I can't get him to stop eating dog food if he sees it.

My son gets hyperactive and emotional whenever he get the dog food leaving me with his alter-ego Bi-Polar Yet Needy Baby.

I am committed to staying with my son's father, but have no desire to marry him ever.

And now, I am done with my little self confession.  I don't know why I do these things, but I get urges, then I blame hyperactivity, but mostly to get the last thing off my front page when I look at my old stuff.

disregard, random randomness

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