
Jul 22, 2007 13:15

Nicki? Whatcha doing?

Excavating. I'm finishing what you started. 
In my defence the weather has been crap. 
You just lost interest after finding Daniel. 
...So what have you found? 
I'll show you.

Well, I've found Flash, and Tuesday. And there coins. Why did you insist on burying them with coins?
To pay the ferryman, ya know. 
Kay. But I also found this skull, look!

I reckon that's Caru...
WHo was Caru?
She was here before you got here. Really cute and clever syrian hamster.

Oh. Hello Caru...

Nice to meet you...



Look how tiny hammy teeth are!

And if anyone is wondering why I'm digging up dead pets, it's because the dead pets were buried where the extension for my brother is going - so my parents (And my brother) insisted I dug 'em up so they didn't get lost forever. XD And so they wouldn't haunt my brother's room. Ignore my manky streaked nails. ¬_¬

bones, archaeology, nicki

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