Fall's Birthday...

Jun 30, 2007 18:59

Fall. Damion Kurth. My baby. First doll I bought, second doll I recieved. Got my hands on him for the first time this day last year. It was wonderful. So here's some pictures I took of him today. :)

He has CP hands now. The resin match it terrible, but you can't see it with a camera so that'd great. :) 
I also realised today I've never taken a picture of him in his complete default outfit. Yes, he wore the eyes, and the wig, and the face up for a very long time. But I planned on changing his eyes and hair from the beginning, and his face up. So I decided to put him in as much of his default as I could be bothered today. (I.E No cute slippers, because I couldn't find them, no eyes because I was too lazy to change them, and no default trousers because I couldn#'t be arsed taking his feet off to get him out of his current trousers. So....

...And then Fall's personality kinda took over.

Fall's so purty. ^_^


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