No guns.

Feb 05, 2008 19:34

So I found out  yesterday how much of a hippie I am, and how just because I'm a hippie doesn't make me a pansy or an idiot.  My Apricot invited me to go to a shooting range for ladies night yesterday & I accepted.   She used a .22 & I opted for the glock 9mil.  In hindsight, that was probably not the best choice.  I will admit that I chose what i did both on the advice of the renter and the fact that I needed to be badass & show off my brand discrimination since all the movies & rap music has bestowed upon me the crucial information that Glocks are the Prada of guns (as a side note, glocks do look cooler).  Before we began our brief training on gun safety, Apricot & I were privileged enough to watch the group of 3 go through theirs.  Now I'm a hippie, but I have an incredible amount of respect for firepower.  These are GUNS.  They are made and used to KILL PEOPLE.  No other purpose.  By body language alone, I could tell that these people were as respectful of guns as I am of ... well, people like them.  One girl went to answer her phone in the middle of his instruction & couldn't figure out which button to press to answer it. "Oh it's gone," she utters as she stares at the phone in wonder.  Then she returns to the counter, still ignoring the instructor & starts Loading the gun while it's lying on it's side, Pointed At The Instructor.  We requested a lane far away from them.  I was going to go off on her, but she was holding a gun.  The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, with clip being hard as hell & annoying to load, and none of my shots going where I told them to.  I stopped after the the first box of bullets- and damn good thing I did too since my bullets were almost twice the cost of my Apricot's.  For 25mins of gun rental and 1 box of bullet's, her final price was $11.  The same thing for me was $22.  Next time I will go to the movies.  Then I can just watch everyone else shoot guns.

As an aside, from the Black Eyed Peas made a video of Obama's "Yes we can" speech.  It can be found at  I really like the idea of Barak for president.  He's very charismatic and has a JFK/ MLK presence.  I hope to shit he doesn't get assassinated.

guns, obama

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