December posting 16: Fandoms I'm still in

Dec 18, 2016 01:18

Because I need to consult my beta before I can post the plot bunny you gave me, Sam. (It's turning into a five things fic. Oops?)

So. Fandoms I'm still in/reading/watching/interested in:

Highlander. Duh.
Some of the Marvel. (I really cannot make sense of Secretly Hydra In Every Last Department, guys. I just... it sounds great ( Read more... )

fandoms: librarians, december meme, meme, fandoms: rivers of london, authors: kerry greenwood, fandom, authors: martha wells, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: lethal weapon

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slb44 December 18 2016, 17:01:04 UTC
You've renewed my interest in Highlander, not that it ever goes away completely. In fact last night in Smut!Chat we had a long discussion about the tv series, fanfic, your fanfic and how I keep threatening Phil Akin to drag my dvd's down to the Shaw Festival and let everyone watch his young self. *g*

My big fandom these days is Marvel, comic, movies, some of the tv shows. I've been a Marvel gal since I was little so that's not a surprise. Mind you I pick and choose what I believe to be canon for the MCU/tv verse because less said about Agents of Shield the better imho. And to think I used to adore Coulson. And I'm not sure who that strawberry blonde masquerading as Pepper is but I'm sure someone will figure it out eventually. The fact that you've dragged the Marvel characters into your HL verse is a great delight though.

I started watching Lucifer about half way through the first season. That's pretty typical for me with new shows and having been burnt so badly by tv comic book series I was reluctant. Still watching though not exactly fannish about it, yet? These things have a tendency to sneak up on you, you know?

I did enjoy the Miss Fisher Mysteries but couldn't get into the books much to my Aussie BFF's disappointment. I've managed to get a whole bunch of other folks watching the series though so I've done my share of pimping. Still not really fannish about it.

My other active fandom is Law & Order: SVU and that's strictly because of Raul Esparza. I'll watch and be fannish over anything he's involved in to be very honest. So that brings us to Hannibal which I still miss terribly. I read sporadically in either fandom but it's really hit and miss.

And the old fandom I'm rewatching these days is The Equalizer. Such great acting and lots of theatre people involved.

Because that's my other big time fandom, theatre. *g*


gryphonrhi December 19 2016, 23:28:36 UTC
I'm torn between What's Smut Chat and what Shaw Festival?

yeah, I was a Marvel and DC gal from when I was young. Mostly X-Men, back when, but I always had a soft spot for Captain America. ::amused:: I hadn't realized how much I'd read until I started writing it again. (My first fanfic, the horrible terrible stuff as a kid, was X-Men. My English teacher actually edited it for me, gods bless her!)

Yeah, I liked Lucifer? But I got *fannish* after the ep with Father Frank.

I love the Phryne books and just don't like some of the show. But hey, fandom: live and let read/fic/vid!

Oh, wow, another Equalizer fan! The buddy over here who got me into fanfic was a major fan. We're slowly (re)watching the DVDs.


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