December posting 16: Fandoms I'm still in

Dec 18, 2016 01:18

Because I need to consult my beta before I can post the plot bunny you gave me, Sam. (It's turning into a five things fic. Oops?)

So. Fandoms I'm still in/reading/watching/interested in:

Highlander. Duh.
Some of the Marvel. (I really cannot make sense of Secretly Hydra In Every Last Department, guys. I just... it sounds great, dramatically it's great, pragmatically it suspends my disbelief by a noose until dead.)
Rivers of London (Oh god, I want Hanging Tree to download to my e-reader. Next month, next month.)
Lethal Weapon. It's got flaws, but it's got some really *good* points, too.  I will happily discuss in the comments if anyone cares.
Lucifer. I'm loving this show, but damn it, they killed the character I wanted to write!  (I know, I know; leave it to me and secondary/tertiary characters...)
I'm randomly watching Murder, She Wrote and Rockford Files on Netflix, and contemplating Travelers when it hits next week. (Devo says I want to watch Eric McCormack; it's as if she knows me or something.)  I gave up on the Miss Fisher Mysteries TV series because I love the books too much, I'm afraid.  And I'm on tenterhooks waiting for the next (and last, ::sob::) Raksura novel.

What about you guys?  Who's watching or reading what?  Recommendations?

But now I'm headed to bed.  Six hours ago, it was 73 degrees.  Now it's 35 and sleeting.  I can't even.  But more Depth of Field tomorrow, and
em_kellesvig , I'll try to find the most recent version of that fic and send it to you.  (Thanks again!!)
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fandoms: librarians, december meme, meme, fandoms: rivers of london, authors: kerry greenwood, fandom, authors: martha wells, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: lethal weapon

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