December posting 16: Fandoms I'm still in

Dec 18, 2016 01:18

Because I need to consult my beta before I can post the plot bunny you gave me, Sam. (It's turning into a five things fic. Oops?)

So. Fandoms I'm still in/reading/watching/interested in:

Highlander. Duh.
Some of the Marvel. (I really cannot make sense of Secretly Hydra In Every Last Department, guys. I just... it sounds great ( Read more... )

fandoms: librarians, december meme, meme, fandoms: rivers of london, authors: kerry greenwood, fandom, authors: martha wells, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: lethal weapon

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Comments 5

slb44 December 18 2016, 17:01:04 UTC
You've renewed my interest in Highlander, not that it ever goes away completely. In fact last night in Smut!Chat we had a long discussion about the tv series, fanfic, your fanfic and how I keep threatening Phil Akin to drag my dvd's down to the Shaw Festival and let everyone watch his young self. *g ( ... )


gryphonrhi December 19 2016, 23:28:36 UTC
I'm torn between What's Smut Chat and what Shaw Festival?

yeah, I was a Marvel and DC gal from when I was young. Mostly X-Men, back when, but I always had a soft spot for Captain America. ::amused:: I hadn't realized how much I'd read until I started writing it again. (My first fanfic, the horrible terrible stuff as a kid, was X-Men. My English teacher actually edited it for me, gods bless her!)

Yeah, I liked Lucifer? But I got *fannish* after the ep with Father Frank.

I love the Phryne books and just don't like some of the show. But hey, fandom: live and let read/fic/vid!

Oh, wow, another Equalizer fan! The buddy over here who got me into fanfic was a major fan. We're slowly (re)watching the DVDs.


springwoof December 18 2016, 19:11:49 UTC
The last media I was Fannish about was Hawaii Five-0. I've been reading and watching lots of media, but none have grabbed me in a Fannish (creative) way. I've been reading in several fandoms lately--I loved watching Person of Interest and the fandom was wonderful; the Marvel verse seems popular lately; and I think a lot of the Teen Wolf fanfic is far better than the (really lame) show.

I'm not surprised you liked Haven, but have you tried Grimm? How about Penny Dreadful?

Oh!! And you like mysteries, right? Have you watched the Murdoch Mysteries? I love the leads, the secondary characters are fun, the mysteries are satisfying, and the historical setting intriguing. It's on Netflix, and I'm eating up the episodes. I haven't peeked to see if there's any Fannish production yet....


gryphonrhi December 19 2016, 23:35:19 UTC
Yeah, I mean, I'm loving LIbrarians? But I don't feel a need to write in it. I never watched Teen Wolf, but I do read some of the fic. And yes, I watched the first two seasons of Penny Dreadful while visiting Devo (in full analytical mode at times to cope with some of the grue) and will watch the last season with her next month when I go out again. Grimm just never grabbed me. I tried parts of the first season, but eh.

No, I haven't tried the Murdoch Mysteries! I'll have to check them out, thank you!


springwoof December 20 2016, 03:40:40 UTC
I checked out some of the Murdoch fan works on AO3, out of curiosity, and really didn't find any as compelling as the show itself--but there was a crossover with Forever (which you've got me intrigued about but I haven't been able to see).... I don't include a link because the story doesn't make much sense unless you're familiar with Murdoch Mysteries anyway.

I can see Murdoch easily crossing over with Highlander as well, although I didn't find any of those on AO3...


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